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The military junta that has ruled Myanmar since a February 2021 coup has shifted presidential duties away from 73-year-old Myint Swe, who has been deemed too ill to continue running the country.
律政司司長林定國訪問新加坡,明日出席新加坡總檢察署舉辦的第一屆首席法律顧問論壇,探討國際投資爭議解決等議題,並將於圓桌會議與超過20個其他司法管轄區的代表就國際法律及爭議解決服務交流意見,向與會者推廣香港法律服務的優勢和機遇。 林定國昨午抵達新加坡後,隨即與新加坡最高法院首席大法官梅達順會面,討論共同關注的議題。其後,林定國到訪麥士威國際爭議解決中心,就替代解決爭議活動提供綜合設施和服務交流意見。 今日上午,林定國出席常設仲裁法院成立125周年的紀念活動和參與活動的交流午宴,又到訪新加坡國立大學李光耀公共政策學院,探討未來項目的協作機會。 下午,他與印度總檢察長文卡塔拉馬尼舉行雙邊會談,就共同關注的範疇交流討論。林定國又與新加坡法律學會討論區內法律科技發展,以及雙方為法律業界提供能力建設及交流活動的合作機會。 林定國今日傍晚會與中華人民共和國駐新加坡共和國特命全權大使曹忠明共進晚餐,介紹香港在法律方面的最新發展。
傳染病直擊第20卷第7期 - 2024年第25至第29周 (2024年6月16日至7月20日)
Secretary for Justice Paul Lam will tomorrow attend the inaugural Forum of Chief Legal Advisors, organised by Singapore’s Attorney-General’s Chambers, the Department of Justice announced today. During roundtable sessions at the forum, Mr Lam will exchange views on topics including international investment dispute settlements with more than 20 representatives from other jurisdictions. He will also promote Hong Kong’s legal services to participants. Upon arrival in Singapore yesterday, Mr Lam met Chief Justice of Singapore’s Supreme Court Sundaresh Menon to discuss matters of mutual interest. He also visited Maxwell Chambers to give his views on the provision of integrated facilities and services for conducting alternative dispute resolution activities. This morning, the Secretary for Justice attended a 125th Anniversary Commemorative Event for the Permanent Court of Arbitration, and a networking lunch. He also called on the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore to explore collaboration opportunities. In the afternoon, following a meeting with Indian Attorney General R Venkataramani, Mr Lam went to the Singapore Academy of Law to talk about the development of lawtech in the region. This evening he will have dinner with Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to the Republic of Singapore Cao Zhongming and brief him on the latest legal developments in Hong Kong.
Communicable Diseases Watch Volume 20, Number 7, Weeks 25 - 29 (June 16 – July 20, 2024)
The Correctional Services Department today said it strongly disapproved of and condemned Chan Man-mun's article in which he made unfounded and misleading remarks on the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance. The article titled Retrospective Effect was published in Ming Pao yesterday. The department noted that the grant of early release has never been a guaranteed right of persons in custody (PICs) under the laws of Hong Kong, whereas PICs should in principle serve the full sentence imposed by the court before they can be released. It added that the mechanism of granting of remission or early release under the legislation is established to encourage good conduct and industry of PICs. Any discretion by the Commissioner of Correctional Services to grant early release or any referral of a PIC's case to the relevant board for consideration of early release must be exercised or handled in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws, such as the Long-term Prison Sentences Review Ordinance, the Post-Release Supervision of Prisoners Ordinance and the Prison Rules. As regards PICs serving their sentences in respect of their convictions of offences endangering national security, the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance amended corresponding ordinances such that the PIC must not be granted remission or his case must not be referred to the relevant board for consideration of early release or sentence review, unless the commissioner is satisfied that the grant of remission or the early release will not be contrary to the interests of national security. The new provisions are applicable to all PICs serving sentences in respect of their convictions of offences endangering national security, irrespective of whether they were sentenced before, on or after the commencement of the relevant amendments. The department also highlighted that the new provisions are not punitive measures; do not increase the length of sentences imposed by the court, nor do they affect those who have already been released early. Therefore, the new provisions definitely do not engage the provisions under the Hong Kong Bill of Rights against retrospective criminal offences or penalties. The department emphasised that the two so-called "controversial" points mentioned in the Ming Pao article are factually inaccurate. First, section 7 of the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance provides for a clear definition of "offence endangering national security". Therefore, there is no such case as alleged in the article that "the Commissioner decides on his own to expand the scope of offences endangering national security". Furthermore, the principles established under case law are that the court must not, when sentencing a defendant, consider whether the defendant will be granted remission or early release in accordance with the law. The department pointed out that the article misled readers to believe that if a PIC is not granted remission or early release in accordance with the law, it would be tantamount to receiving a heavier sentence and a breach of the Hong Kong Bill of Rights through these false remarks.
Gilaman Wazir’s death comes as a new military operation targeting alleged militants heightens concerns of renewed violence and discrimination.
下 午 11 時 天 文 台 錄 得: 氣 溫 : 31 度 相 對 濕 度 : 百 分 之 84 請注意:酷熱天氣警告現正生效,高溫天氣持續!請補充足夠水分。如感不適,立刻休息或求助,需要時儘快求醫。 本 港 其 他 地 區 的 氣 溫 : 天 文 台 31 度 , 京 士 柏 30 度 , 黃 竹 坑 30 度 , 打 鼓 嶺 30 度 , 流 浮 山 29 度 , 大 埔 31 度 , 沙 田 31 度 , 屯 門 30 度 , 將 軍 澳 30 度 , 西 貢 31 度 , 長 洲 29 度 , 赤 鱲 角 31 度 , 青 衣 29 度 , 荃 灣 可 觀 29 度 , 荃 灣 城 門 谷 29 度 , 香 港 公 園 30 度 , 筲 箕 灣 31 度 , 九 龍 城 30 度 , 跑 馬 地 31 度 , 黃 大 仙 31 度 , 赤 柱 29 度 , 觀 塘 30 度 , 深 水 埗 30 度 , 啟 德 跑 道 公 園 31 度 , 元 朗 公 園 31 度 , 大 美 督 30 度 。 以 下 是 有 關 超 強 颱 風 格 美 在 下 午 11 時 的 消 息 : 位 置 為 北 緯 24.0 度 , 東 經 121.9 度 附 近 。
At 11 p.m. at the Hong Kong Observatory : Air temperature : 31 degrees Celsius Relative Humidity : 84 per cent Please be reminded that:The Very Hot Weather Warning is now in force. Prolonged heat alert! Please drink sufficient water. If feeling unwell, take rest or seek help immediately. If needed, seek medical advice as soon as possible. The air temperatures at other places were: Hong Kong Observatory31 degrees ; King's Park30 degrees ; Wong Chuk Hang30 degrees ; Ta Kwu Ling30 degrees ; Lau Fau Shan29 degrees ; Tai Po31 degrees ; Sha Tin31 degrees ; Tuen Mun30 degrees ; Tseung Kwan O30 degrees ; Sai Kung31 degrees ; Cheung Chau29 degrees ; Chek Lap Kok31 degrees ; Tsing Yi29 degrees ; Tsuen Wan Ho Koon29 degrees ; Tsuen Wan Shing Mun Valley29 degrees ; Hong Kong Park30 degrees ; Shau Kei Wan31 degrees ; Kowloon City30 degrees ; Happy Valley31 degrees ; Wong Tai Sin31 degrees ; Stanley29 degrees ; Kwun Tong30 degrees ; Sham Shui Po30 degrees ; Kai Tak Runway Park31 degrees ; Yuen Long Park31 degrees ; Tai Mei Tuk30 degrees . Here is the information on Super Typhoon Gaemi at 11 p.m.: Location: 24.0 degrees north, 121.9 degrees east.
A flagship UN report recommends financial innovations to stave off a worsening crisis in a growing number of low- and middle-income countries.
