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行政長官李家超表示,適逢國家主席習近平提出總體國家安全觀十周年,且香港特區完成《基本法》第23條立法,今年的全民國家安全教育日意義特別重大,也提醒和教育市民的國家安全意識。 他又指,警隊是守護香港、維護國安的重要力量,肩負確保「一國兩制」行穩致遠、維護國家安全的責任和使命。香港多年來被譽為全球最安全城市之一,警隊居功至偉,任重道遠。 以下是行政長官李家超4月13日在全民國家安全教育日暨香港警隊180周年警察學院開放日的演辭: 尊敬的鄭雁雄主任(中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室主任)、董經緯署長(中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區維護國家安全公署署長)、方建明副特派員(中華人民共和國外交部駐香港特別行政區特派員公署副特派員)、鄭國躍副司令員(中國人民解放軍駐香港部隊副司令員)、蕭澤頤處長(警務處處長)、各位嘉賓、各位市民、各位同事: 大家早上好!我很高興和大家一起在今日出席警察學院開放日,支持和響應全民國家安全教育日,同時慶祝香港警隊成立180周年。 每年的4月15日是全民國家安全教育日。今年4月15日對香港來說有特別重大的意義,因為今年是習近平主席提出總體國家安全觀的十周年,更是香港特區完成《基本法》第23條立法後的第一個全民國家安全教育日。 今年3月23日,《維護國家安全條例》刊憲生效,香港回歸26年多,終於完成了《基本法》所定下的憲制責任,使國家安全得到更有效維護,為國家和香港的安全提供更鞏固的制度保障,更讓香港可以輕裝上陣,全力發展經濟,改善民生,維持長期繁榮穩定。 維護國家安全,人人有責。每年的全民國家安全教育日,提醒和教育市民的國家安全意識,這是我們要建立的社會主流價值觀一部分,這主流價值觀必須弘揚以愛國愛港為核心,同「一國兩制」相適應。 有國安,才有港安,有國安,才有家安。香港警隊是守護香港、維護國家安全的重要力量。今日我們慶祝香港警隊成立180周年,亦是慶祝警隊守護香港180周年。 香港警隊自1844年成立以來,一直隨時按社會的需要,全面為社會服務,緊隨時代變遷,無論在面對槍林彈雨、天災人禍、社會暴亂、港版顏色革命,還是世紀疫情,一重又一重的困難,一關又一關的挑戰,警隊都克盡己任、團結一致、無畏無懼地堅守崗位,除暴安良,全力維護法紀和守護市民。 香港多年來被譽為全球最安全城市之一,警隊居功至偉,任重道遠。在這裏,我代表特區政府和全港市民,肯定警隊的工作,並感謝你們為香港的繁榮安定所作出的貢獻。 今時今日,科技不斷發展,香港警隊與時並進,不斷提升專業能力,除了應急、預防和偵查罪案之外,警隊在打擊詐騙、洗黑錢和恐怖活動等方面,亦不遺餘力,全力肩負起確保「一國兩制」行穩致遠、維護國家安全的責任和使命。 在香港警隊180周年的重要紀念時刻,我祝警隊百尺竿頭,再創高峰,並祝願今日的開放日活動圓滿成功,在座各位身體健康。多謝大家。
To tie in with National Security Education Day on April 15 and celebrate the 180th anniversary of the Police Force’s establishment, the National Security Education Day & Hong Kong Police Force 180th Anniversary Police College Open Day was held at the Hong Kong Police College today. The event aimed to promote public awareness of national security, enhance the cultivation of national identity and foster communication between Police and citizens while sharing joy and fun. Addressing the event, Chief Executive John Lee noted that this year marks the 10th anniversary of President Xi Jinping’s proposal of the holistic view of national security, and is also the first National Security Education Day after enacting legislation on Article 23 of the Basic Law. Lauding the Police Force as an important strength in safeguarding Hong Kong and national security as well as maintaining law and order and protecting citizens since its establishment in 1844, Mr Lee thanked the force on behalf of the Government and citizens for its contribution to Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability. Commissioner of Police Siu Chak-yee supplemented that he believed the force would continue to safeguard national security and unite to fulfil its mission and strive for excellence. Also speaking at the ceremony, Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Director Zheng Yanxiong highlighted that enacting Article 23 legislation is a significant achievement of the Hong Kong SAR in fulfilling its constitutional responsibility. The enactment signifies that Hong Kong now possesses an impenetrable barrier to safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests, and consolidates as a united front to promote the city’s advancement from stability to prosperity, he stressed. Mr Zheng also expressed hope that Police would keep in mind their mission to resolutely safeguard national security, and the steadfast and successful implementation of “one country, two systems”, and uphold the rule of law. The open day kicked off with a grand show featuring music performances, driving demonstrations, a police dog show, and counter-terrorism drill. To signify the inheritance of the force's professionalism, officers sealed memorable items in a time capsule which will be reopened after 20 years. In addition, the open day featured four zones - Upholding National Security & Safeguarding Our City, Beyond 180 Years, Police Fun Zone, and Modern Police Professional. Highlights included an upgraded “NS Express National Security Exhibition”, a virtual reality film showcasing the history of the force, a display of advanced equipment of elite units and police vehicles as well as the 17 police mascots gathering for the first time to meet and greet the public. The Correctional Services Department, the Government Flying Service and the Immigration Department also held open days in support of National Security Education Day.
為響應4月15日的全民國家安全教育日和慶祝警隊成立180周年,警務處今日舉辦全民國家安全教育日暨香港警隊180周年警察學院開放日,以提高市民的國家安全意識、加強培養國民身分認同、促進警民溝通。 行政長官李家超致辭時表示,今年是國家主席習近平提出總體國家安全觀的十周年,而今年的全民國家安全教育日更是香港特區完成《基本法》第23條立法後的第一個全民國家安全教育日,對香港的意義特別重大。他又指,警隊是守護香港、維護國安的重要力量,他代表特區政府和全港市民感謝警隊為香港的繁榮安定作出貢獻。 警務處處長蕭澤頤強調,警隊會繼續堅守維護國家安全的防線。他深信警隊在成立180周年的重要時刻,會繼續團結一致,履行使命,追求卓越。 出席啟動禮的中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室主任鄭雁雄則表示,完成《基本法》第23條本地立法,是香港特區履行憲制責任的重大成果,標誌香港維護國家主權、安全及發展利益有了銅牆鐵壁,達致眾志成城,從此可以推動由治及興。他期望警隊堅定維護國家安全,護航「一國兩制」行穩致遠,為建設法治香港貢獻力量。 開放日以警察大匯演揭開序幕,又舉行音樂表演、駕駛表演、警犬服從表演,以及由飛虎隊、反恐特勤隊、無人機隊參與的反恐演練。為紀念警隊成立180周年,大會舉行時間囊封存儀式,由警隊管理層及各職方協會代表將具有紀念價值的物品放入時間囊封存,讓大家一同見證警隊專業精神的傳承,並計劃在20年後開啟。 此外,開放日設有國安守城等四個主題區,內容包括升級版「國安號」展覽、回顧警隊歷史的虛擬實境影片,以及精銳裝備和現役警察車輛展示。警隊也透過互動遊戲讓市民進一步認識其工作,體驗其專業精神。警隊17隻主要吉祥物更首次同場,與市民同樂。 懲教署、政府飛行服務隊和入境事務處今日也分別在香港懲教學院、飛行服務隊啟德分部和入境事務學院舉辦開放日,提高市民的國家安全意識,同時讓市民了解部門維護國家安全的工作。
美國和加拿大借所謂更新外遊提示,誣衊抹黑《維護國家安全條例》生效後,赴香港風險增加。特區政府強烈譴責這些以歪曲事實和危言聳聽言論散播恐懼的政治操弄。特區政府敦促有關國家停止以所謂更新外遊提示等政治技倆,試圖干預香港依法維護國家安全。 特區政府表示,《維護國家安全條例》訂明的危害國家安全罪行精準針對危害國家安全的行為。該條例也清楚訂明構成有關罪行的元素和刑罰。控方有責任在毫無合理疑點下證明被告人有犯罪行為和犯罪意圖,被告人才可被法庭定罪。 政府又指,《香港國安法》和《維護國家安全條例》有關危害國家安全罪行的域外效力實屬必要和正當,也完全符合國際法原則、國際慣例和各國各地區通行做法,且與世界其他國家和地區包括美國和加拿大一致。 美國、英國、澳洲、加拿大、歐盟成員國等地的國家安全法律都同樣根據屬人管轄和保護管轄等原則,具有域外效力。在擬訂《維護國家安全條例》的域外效力時,特區政府已顧及有關國家管轄權的國際法原則和國際慣例,以及罪行性質。 特區政府強調,香港執法部門根據證據、嚴格依照法律、按有關人士的違法行為採取執法行動,而任意執法、隨意拘捕、錯誤囚禁等指稱,全屬罔顧事實。有關國家試圖以恐嚇手法達到政治目的,干擾市民和商界的正當交流,特區政府強烈反對。 特區政府一直歡迎正當來港旅遊和營商人士,若他們不從事危害國家安全的行為和活動,便不會誤墮法網,也無須擔心。
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government today strongly condemned the US and Canada for smearing the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance under the pretext of foreign travel advice updates. The so-called travel advice claimed that the risks of travelling to Hong Kong would increase after the ordinance comes into effect. Pointing out that it is a political manoeuvre with fact-twisting and scaremongering remarks to spread panic, the Hong Kong SAR Government urged the US and Canada to stop their attempts to interfere in Hong Kong safeguarding national security in accordance with the law. The Hong Kong SAR Government said that the offences endangering national security stipulated in the ordinance precisely target acts endangering national security, and define the elements and penalties of the offences with clarity. Moreover, the prosecution has the burden to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the defendant had the actus reus and mens rea of an offence before the defendant may be convicted by the court. Separately, the Hong Kong SAR Government made it clear that extraterritorial effect for the offences under the Hong Kong National Security Law and the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance is both necessary and legitimate, and is also in line with those of other countries and regions around the world. “It can be seen that the national security laws of various countries, including the US, the UK, Australia, Canada and the member states of the European Union, also have extraterritorial effect under the personality principle and the protective principle. “In formulating the extraterritorial effect under the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance, we have already taken into account the principles of international law and international practice of state jurisdiction as well as the nature of the offences.” The Hong Kong SAR Government further emphasised that its law enforcement agencies have been taking enforcement actions based on evidence and strictly in accordance with the law in respect of the acts of the people concerned. It stressed that the claims of arbitrary enforcement and wrongful detention completely disregard the facts. It also strongly opposed the countries concerned for attempting to achieve political goals by means of intimidation and interference with the legitimate exchanges of the public and the business sector. The Hong Kong SAR Government stated that it has always welcomed ordinary travellers and businessmen, and if they do not conduct acts and activities endangering national security and not unwittingly violate the law, they have no reason to be worried. 
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At 11 p.m. at the Hong Kong Observatory : Air temperature : 26 degrees Celsius Relative Humidity : 81 per cent The air temperatures at other places were: Hong Kong Observatory26 degrees ; King's Park25 degrees ; Wong Chuk Hang24 degrees ; Ta Kwu Ling23 degrees ; Lau Fau Shan24 degrees ; Tai Po24 degrees ; Sha Tin24 degrees ; Tuen Mun24 degrees ; Tseung Kwan O23 degrees ; Sai Kung24 degrees ; Cheung Chau23 degrees ; Chek Lap Kok26 degrees ; Tsing Yi24 degrees ; Shek Kong24 degrees ; Tsuen Wan Ho Koon22 degrees ; Tsuen Wan Shing Mun Valley23 degrees ; Hong Kong Park25 degrees ; Shau Kei Wan25 degrees ; Kowloon City25 degrees ; Happy Valley25 degrees ; Wong Tai Sin25 degrees ; Stanley24 degrees ; Kwun Tong25 degrees ; Sham Shui Po25 degrees ; Kai Tak Runway Park26 degrees ; Yuen Long Park25 degrees ; Tai Mei Tuk25 degrees .
下 午 11 時 天 文 台 錄 得: 氣 溫 : 26 度 相 對 濕 度 : 百 分 之 81 本 港 其 他 地 區 的 氣 溫 : 天 文 台 26 度 , 京 士 柏 25 度 , 黃 竹 坑 24 度 , 打 鼓 嶺 23 度 , 流 浮 山 24 度 , 大 埔 24 度 , 沙 田 24 度 , 屯 門 24 度 , 將 軍 澳 23 度 , 西 貢 24 度 , 長 洲 23 度 , 赤 鱲 角 26 度 , 青 衣 24 度 , 石 崗 24 度 , 荃 灣 可 觀 22 度 , 荃 灣 城 門 谷 23 度 , 香 港 公 園 25 度 , 筲 箕 灣 25 度 , 九 龍 城 25 度 , 跑 馬 地 25 度 , 黃 大 仙 25 度 , 赤 柱 24 度 , 觀 塘 25 度 , 深 水 埗 25 度 , 啟 德 跑 道 公 園 26 度 , 元 朗 公 園 25 度 , 大 美 督 25 度 。
Russia’s War on Ukraine | UCPM MEDEVAC operations
At 8 p.m. at the Hong Kong Observatory : Air temperature : 26 degrees Celsius Relative Humidity : 75 per cent The air temperatures at other places were: Hong Kong Observatory26 degrees ; King's Park25 degrees ; Wong Chuk Hang25 degrees ; Ta Kwu Ling25 degrees ; Lau Fau Shan25 degrees ; Tai Po26 degrees ; Sha Tin26 degrees ; Tuen Mun26 degrees ; Tseung Kwan O25 degrees ; Sai Kung25 degrees ; Cheung Chau24 degrees ; Chek Lap Kok27 degrees ; Tsing Yi25 degrees ; Shek Kong26 degrees ; Tsuen Wan Ho Koon23 degrees ; Tsuen Wan Shing Mun Valley25 degrees ; Hong Kong Park25 degrees ; Shau Kei Wan25 degrees ; Kowloon City25 degrees ; Happy Valley26 degrees ; Wong Tai Sin26 degrees ; Stanley24 degrees ; Kwun Tong25 degrees ; Sham Shui Po25 degrees ; Kai Tak Runway Park26 degrees ; Yuen Long Park26 degrees ; Tai Mei Tuk25 degrees .
