The free short course “Disaster and Humanitarian Crisis” (20, 27-29 June, 2019) is organised by the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care (JCSPHPC), and Collaborating Centre for Oxford University and CUHK for Disaster and Medical Humanitarian Response (CCOUC) of the Chinese...更多詳情
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Recently, I attended the 4th Global Summit of Research Institutes for Disaster Risk Reduction (4th GSRIDRR) in the Disaster Prevention Research Institute, at Kyoto University. And I managed to take away with me a few major learnings from the Summit, which I wish sharing here!
My first...更多詳情
為了提升本港山泥傾瀉緊急服務質素和效率,香港賽馬會災難防護應變教研中心(教研中心)聯同土木工程拓展署轄下的土力工程處引入「虛擬實境訓練系統」,為負責緊急山泥傾瀉管理工作的緊急值班人員提供培訓 。
People living in urban environments face multiple risks which range from financial risks, physical risks (natural hazards), technological risks (building structures, infrastructure, hazardous facilities) and social risks (violence, social dissatisfaction).These risks are often inter-linked with...更多詳情
香港賽馬會災難防護應變教研中心(教研中心)於2019 年 3 月正式展開兩個全新的防災教育計劃,對象分別為幼稚園和小學。
有效和高效率的減輕災害風險措施應採取「全災害防護方式」(All-Hazard Approach)的概念,整合各界的努力,讓市民共同參與。要建立社區的抗災能力,在社會、家庭以至個人層面上推廣備災知識攸關重要。國際機構和相關研究一直呼籲把兒童納入備災減災的工作當中。不論年齡,任何人士也可獲授權參與災難規劃、應變和復原工作,從而提升社區的抗災能力。
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute (HKJCDPRI) joined the Hong Kong Observatory’s (HKO) Open Day on 23-24 March 2019, to promote community resilience by encouraging the public to prepare disaster survival kits.
Being prepared means being...更多詳情
Occupational health is an important topic for health practice. In order to protect health and well-beings, the need to understand the principles of occupational health and prepare for unforeseeable events is rapidly growing. This course will provide the participants with the overview of...更多詳情
我們很高興為你介紹一個由香港社會醫學學院及香港賽馬會災難防護應變教研中心 (教研中心) 合辦,並於2019 年 5 月 11 及 18 日舉行為期 1.5 天的災難管理培訓工作坊。這個工作坊是專為於災難防護和應變工作中,負責指揮或管理工作的醫護健康專業人員和相關界別的高級人員而設,目的為向參加者分享實用技能和策略,以改善他們在衞生災害和災難期間的指揮和溝通能力。
The Black Death, Spanish Flu, SARS, Ebola ... In the history of mankind, deadly infections and appalling disasters are inseparable. Science has given us the ability to hunt down the pathogens. However, pathogens – new and old – keep emerging and evolving in every corner of the planet. In today’s...更多詳情
The free short course “Research Methodology for Disaster and Medical Humanitarian Response” (31 May 2019; 1 June; and optional 5 Jun 2019) is organised by the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care (JCSPHPC), and Collaborating Centre for Oxford University and CUHK for Disaster and...更多詳情