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Dr. Jimmy Chan
With thousands of micro-organisms -such as bacteria and viruses in the environment, we are all vulnerable to infection. The skin and mucous membrane are the first barriers to protect us from the invasion of these micro-organisms. If the microbes successfully colonize through these broken barriers, our body will initiate an inflammatory response (red, swelling, pain and heat in that area) to counteract the invasion. Blood flow will increase in that region and will bring white blood cells and macrophages to clear up the invaders. However, if this mechanism fails, our body immune system will be stimulated to generate high power defense against these micro-organisms.
With a spike on its surface (Fig. 1) the COVID-19 virus can tap into the ACE2 receptors of human cells, simulating using a key to open the lock of a door. This protein is an antigen that can trigger the immune response in our body to produce humoral and cellular response specific to COVID-19 virus. The humoral response will produce antibody around one week’s time to kill the virus (like a missile) whereas the cellular response will take about 1-2 weeks to produce cytotoxic T-cells to destroy the virus (like a sniper chasing to kill the target). The antibody and cytotoxic T-cell level of a patient in recovery phase will drop as time goes by. If second infection occurs because of immune memory, the antibody and cytotoxic T-cell can be built up quickly to combat against the virus.
Figure 1: S-Protein of COVID-19 Virus (From Internet: CDC/US)
After recovering from the infection of COVID-19 virus, the patient will be protected by the body immune system. Vaccination is another way of receiving immune protection. By injecting harmless COVID-19 antigen into our body, it can help the immune system develop protection from the disease. Vaccines are biological products that prevent and control the occurrence of epidemic infectious disease. The development of vaccine follows a standard procedure with pre-clinical and clinical stages. In pre-clinical stage, the vaccine type will be decided. The antigen is isolated from the virus. After purification, the vaccine will be tested in animal model to ensure safety and adequate effectiveness of the immune response. If the pre-clinical phase is successful, then they will proceed to test the vaccine in clinical stage.
In the clinical stage, there are 4 phases:
- Phase 1 clinical trial: This is a small scale trial and focus on vaccine safety and effectiveness of the immune response.
- Phase 2 clinical trial: This is a larger scale clinical trial. In addition to immune effectiveness and safety, it also checks the vaccine optimal dosage, single or multiple shots and the side effect of the vaccine in a controlled environment.
- Phase 3 clinical trial: This is a very large-scale clinical trial which usually involves more than 10,000 volunteers. It will check the parameters as stated in phase 2 clinical trial, but it is under a natural environment.
- Phase 4 clinical trial: If the vaccine can pass the phase 3 clinical trial, then a formal preparation will be submitted and get approval from appropriate authority for the clinical use of the vaccine. Post-marketing surveillance will be monitored for a prolonged period of time.
Different types of COVID-19 vaccines will be available:
- Live attenuated vaccine: the virus is made less virulent but the antigen stimulation power is preserved.
- Inactivated vaccine: the virus is killed and the antigen stimulation power is preserved.
- Adenovirus vaccine: The adenovirus is a common respiratory tract virus. It is made less virulent and is implanted with the COVID-19 genetic material. The adenovirus serves as a vehicle to transport the COVID-19 antigen into our body to stimulate the immune response.
- Recombinant vaccine: Recombinant vaccines are made by using bacterial or yeast cells to manufacture the vaccine.
- Messenger RNA (m-RNA) vaccine: mRNA can serve as a messenger to direct the body cell to produce antigen. The genetic material of COVID-19 antigen is incorporated into the mRNA and act as a vaccine to stimulate the immune response. The advantages of mRNA are shorter clinical trial period and cheaper to produce.
Up till now, more than 300 COVID-19 vaccines are being developed in many countries. Many of them are in phase 3 clinical trials. Nevertheless, there are several outstanding vaccine developments in China, United Kingdom and United States (Fig. 2). According to World Health Organization (as at 2 October, 2020), there are 4 vaccines in phase 3 clinical trials in China (Sinovac Biotech, CanSino Biologics and China National Biote Group). Inactivated and Adenovirus vaccine types are probably adopted. Since the control of COVID-19 infection in China is good, with minimal new cases, the phase 3 clinical trial is conducted in other epidemic areas like Middle East and South America countries. According to the National Health Commission and news reports, the immune protection and side effects results are very encouraging.
Figure 2: COVID-19 vaccine development
(Internet photos from Xin Hua News, Belt and Road News and South China Morning Post)
In United Kingdom, researchers produced the Oxford Vaccine (AstraZeneca) with the SARS vaccine technology. The adenovirus is used as vehicle to transport the antigen into our body to stimulate the immune response, claiming that they can provide double protection on both the humoral and the cellular immune response. However, a very serious side effect (Transverse Myelitis leading to paralysis) has been detected in the phase 3 clinical trial recently. According to the information in AstraZeneca website on 2 October 2020, a standard review process triggered a voluntary pause to vaccination across all global trials on 6 September to allow review of safety data by an independent committee. Their recommendations have been supported by international regulators in the UK, Brazil, South Africa, India and now in Japan, who have deemed that the trials are safe to resume. However, The FDA of US has not made a decision yet.
In United States, researchers produced the mRNA vaccine (Moderna and Pfizer). This is a brand new technology with no historical records. Published in New England Journal of Medicine, the study is now also in phase 3 clinical trial and two vaccine doses are required to be injected. The side effect in first dose is mild but more prominent in second shot. The immune response is good and the antibody level is similar to that of a recovery COVID-19 patient.
The following factors should be considered before deciding the type of vaccine taken:
- Affordable cost
- The level of protection the vaccine provided such as complete immunity to reduce mortality and morbidity.
- The duration of protection.
- Safety, side effect and complications of the vaccine.
- Degree of protection with respect to the mutation of the COVID-19 virus.
It is expected that the demand for COVID-19 vaccine will be great. Those who face the greatest risk such as the emergency personnel, including medical/nursing staff, disciplinary forces and government decision makers should have the first priority to receive vaccination. The second tier should be the high-risk groups such as old age home residents, food handlers and people that need to work in crowded environment. The last tier should be common people.
Dr. Jimmy Chan,
President of HK Association for Conflict and Catastrophe Medicine.
FHKAM(Surgery), FHKAM (Emergency Medicine)
Regional Director (HK), Advanced HazMat Life Support International, USA.
1. Vaccines and immunization, World Health Organization (WHO)
2. Safety and immunogenicity of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine against SARS-CoV-2: a preliminary report of a phase 1/2, single-blind, randomised controlled trial, The Lancet, 15 August 2020
3. New study reveals Oxford coronavirus vaccine produces strong immune response, The University of Oxford, 20 July 2020
4. An mRNA Vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 — Preliminary Report, The New England Journal of Medicine, 14 July 2020
5. Pfizer and BioNTech Propose Expansion of Pivotal COVID-19 Vaccine Trial, Pfizer, 12 September 2020
6. Types of vaccine, Vaccine Knowledge Project, The University of Oxford, 3 January 2019
7. COVID-19 vaccine AZD1222 clinical trial resumed in Japan, follows restart of trials in the UK, Brazil, South Africa and India, AstraZeneca, 2 October 2020

[This article is only available in Chinese.]
[This article is only available in Chinese.]
每年10月13日為聯合國的「國際減災日」,目的為提高世界各國對防災減災的意識,並藉此鼓勵各國在《2015-2030仙台減災綱領》(Sendai Framework of Disaster Risk Reduction)下,邁向減低因災害而造成全球損失的目標。
今年國際減災日的主題為Disaster Risk Governance,意即呼籲各國繼續提高減災的「治理能力」。聯合國秘書長減災事務特別代表(Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction and Head of UNDRR)水鳥真美(Mami Mizutori)在介紹今年國際減災日主題時,指出良好的治理包括清晰的(減災)遠景、執行計劃、以科學為行動依據、有能力及被賦予相稱權力及職能的機構。 [1]
「治理」這個議題可能對大多數人來說太遙遠。然而用心想想,當今年人類面對COVID-19--- 一種比颱風地震造成更深遠影響的人畜共通傳染病(Zoonotic Diseases)時,我們其實也對災害治理有了更深的體會。
[1] COVID-19 and the climate emergency tell us all we need to know about disaster risk governance, Press Release, UNDRR, 4 September 2020 (只提供英文版)
林鈞浩 Kwan-Ho Timothy LAM
香港賽馬會災難防護應變教研中心 Technical Expert for Professional Development 。
英國約克大學 Post-War Recovery Studies (戰後重建) 碩士畢業,十多年從事人道事務工作。2018-19年為國際紅十字會 (IFRC) 美洲加勒比海辦事處主管。

[This article is only available in Chinese.]
[This article is only available in Chinese.]
2020年已經過了一大半,眨眼間來到九月份,相信大家早已適應生活「新常態」。除了忙於日常抗疫之外,你留意到2020年的天氣曾經出現異常嗎 ?
根據天文台公布的每月天氣回顧,本港在六月至八月期間經歷了有記錄以來最熱的夏季 [1][2] 。而且,本年八月的酷熱天氣日數為16天,是有記錄以來八月份最多的日數。
一個理想的防災社區應該結合社區的獨特性,並加入災害管理四大階段的能力—「備災」、「應變」、「恢復」及「滅災」。要達致「防災社區」,需要由一個牽頭組織透過社區賦權(community empowerment)的過程來凝聚社區成員的共識與力量,建立社區專屬的防災網絡,當中包括政府組織、社福機構、防災機構,更可以邀請區議員、商戶及業主立案委員會加入,構建鄰里之間的防災社區氛圍,讓社區在緊急情況下都能夠「自救」。
圖一︰「社區互助網絡」模式 [3]
圖片來源 (報導連結:連結)
圖片來源:蘋果日報 (報導連結:連結)
1. 二零二零年六月天氣回顧 ,香港天文台, 2020年7月
2. 二零二零年八月天氣回顧,香港天文台, 2020年9月
3. 有關風災對不適切居所居民影響問卷調查報告, 香港聖公會麥理浩夫人中心, 2020年2月

[This article is only available in Chinese.]
[This article is only available in Chinese.]
我曾「秘密地」受一位傳媒朋友所托,用滴定 (titration) 方法分析了幾個牌子的次氯酸水產品。它們價錢由每樽數十元至三、四百元不等,那它們的有效成份 — 次氯酸濃度又有多大分別呢?
次氯酸 (英文:hypochlorous acid),化學式為HClO (分子結構見下圖)。其實次氯酸和漂白水中的「次氯酸鈉」(NaClO) 只差一個鈉離子,次氯酸水是種不穩定弱酸,又怕熱又容易被紫外線分解,失去消毒功效。而漂白水是強鹼性,次氯酸鈉溶液比較穩定。而兩者的消毒效能都是因為次氯酸根離子 (ClO-) 這個強氧化劑,將病毒、細菌結構氧化和破壞。
產品A | 產品B | 產品C | 產品D | |
每100毫升售價位# | $44.8 | $69.8 | $85 | $120 |
次氯酸濃度* | 188ppm | 103ppm | 35ppm | 181ppm |
看見某牌子標榜「天然白細胞殺菌因子」時我笑了。其實也算是對的,上生物堂學過,身體內嗜中性白血球 (Neutrophil) 能夠產生次氯酸來殺滅細菌。如果你曾經因為「天然」而豪氣花錢買這產品後自覺笨了,現在會否想跟化學KOL自家調配次氯酸水?
首先要注意安全,稀釋前的家用漂白水次氯酸鈉標準濃度約5.2% (即52000ppm),強鹼性(pH~14)會刺激皮膚,操作時需要戴手套,並在空氣流通的地方進行。
//先準備1000毫升清水,加入2毫升家用漂白水,搖勻。再加入5毫升白醋,令溶液pH降至5.5 - 6.0,再搖勻便完成。//
- 用肥皂或梘液洗手最少20秒,肥皂分子滲入病毒表面的脂肪結構,原理就如洗潔精瓦解油污,然後用水沖走。普通梘液已經有效,跟有添加「消毒」成份的梘液沒有明顯分別。
- 酒精搓手液、乙醇或丙醇 (60 - 70%) 能溶解病毒脂肪結構和破壞蛋白質結構。酒精搓手液是在沒有梘液或水洗手時的選擇,想清潔一般物件表面,酒精則較漂白水貴了一些。
- 稀釋漂白水^適合清潔物件和地板表面。漂白水中次氯酸鈉的強氧化作用可破壞病毒的蛋白質和核酸結構。清潔需要最少要10分鐘接觸時間,然後過水或抹乾。注意漂白水屬鹼性會刺激皮膚,因此不應用來洗手。亦切勿將漂白水混合其他清潔劑,否則可能會釋出毒氣。
^ 市面不同牌子的家用漂白水次氯酸鈉濃度不一,市民必須先看清楚產品使用說明。