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Publications & Research

We provide a platform between researchers, disaster practitioners, healthcare professionals and students for expertise exchange, collaboration and policy discussion.

Publications & Research

The HKJCDPRI Publications Section contains collaborative researches and publications with our partners and renowned academic institutions, and other research and development projects related to disaster preparedness and response.

The Guidelines section contains our selected collection of technical information, operational guidelines and useful tools for disaster management.

The Blog sub-section provides a platform where our team and peers share news and updates, as well as opinions and experiences in building disaster preparedness for the communities.


The blog posts are written by the author in his own personal capacity / affiliation stated. The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in the post belong solely to the author and does not necessarily represent those of Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute.

All resources listed here are freely and publicly available, unless specified otherwise. We ask users to use them with respect and credit the authors as appropriate.


Dr. Jimmy Chan With thousands of micro-organisms -such as bacteria and viruses in the environment, we are all vulnerable to infection.  The skin and mucous membrane are the first barriers to protect us from the invasion of these micro-organisms. If the microbes successfully colonize through these broken barriers, our body will initiate an inflammatory response (red, swelling, pain and heat in that area) to counteract the invasion. Blood flow will increase in that region and will bring white blood cells and macrophages to clear up the invaders. However, if this mechanism fails, our body immune system will be stimulated to generate high power defense against these micro-organisms.  

[This article is only available in Chinese.]

[This article is only available in Chinese.]

每年10月13日為聯合國的「國際減災日」,目的為提高世界各國對防災減災的意識,並藉此鼓勵各國在《2015-2030仙台減災綱領》(Sendai Framework of Disaster Risk Reduction)下,邁向減低因災害而造成全球損失的目標。   今年國際減災日的主題為Disaster Risk Governance,意即呼籲各國繼續提高減災的「治理能力」。聯合國秘書長減災事務特別代表(Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction and Head of UNDRR)水鳥真美(Mami Mizutori)在介紹今年國際減災日主題時,指出良好的治理包括清晰的(減災)遠景、執行計劃、以科學為行動依據、有能力及被賦予相稱權力及職能的機構。 [1]   「治理」這個議題可能對大多數人來說太遙遠。然而用心想想,當今年人類面對COVID-19--- 一種比颱風地震造成更深遠影響的人畜共通傳染病(Zoonotic Diseases)時,我們其實也對災害治理有了更深的體會。   防疫工作的有效性,關鍵在於政府對新病毒的態度、決策部門與科學及醫療界別的合作、保障公共衛生而立法及實施的適時性及相關性、政府與民間(包括非政府組織)的互信及協調的有效性等。疫情的控制反映減災治理是否有效,而且效果是顯而易見的,經歷過COVID-19,相信社會及個人都對所在地區的減災治理能夠有深入的分析及看法。  

[This article is only available in Chinese.]

[This article is only available in Chinese.]

2020年已經過了一大半,眨眼間來到九月份,相信大家早已適應生活「新常態」。除了忙於日常抗疫之外,你留意到2020年的天氣曾經出現異常嗎 ?    2020上半年天氣回顧   根據天文台公布的每月天氣回顧,本港在六月至八月期間經歷了有記錄以來最熱的夏季 [1][2] 。而且,本年八月的酷熱天氣日數為16天,是有記錄以來八月份最多的日數。   除了氣溫破新高之外,6月份還刷新了幾項「新紀錄」,包括天文台於6月6日早上發出自2017年5月以來的首個黑色暴雨警告信號,當天亦錄得超過14,350次雲對地閃電,是自2005年推出閃電定位系統以來的第二高紀錄;此外,6月8日早上在機場附近亦有水龍捲報告。   雖然2020年上半年的累積雨量為963.4毫米,較同期正常值1096.9毫米少約12%。可是,某些地區(如西貢、大澳、鯉魚門等)的水浸情況卻愈趨嚴重。以西貢為例,北圍村、蠔涌以及慶徑石村均有出現嚴重水浸,令居民損失慘重。   教研中心一向致力提升脆弱社區的應災韌性,中心團隊早前特別到西貢鄉郊及鯉魚門等受災風險較高的地區視察,並與社區關鍵持份者會面,了解該社區正在面對的災害風險、地理獨特性及現時實行的應災方案,並辨別合適的社區持份者,以攜手推動「防災社區」的發展,讓居民可以於下次颱風和暴雨來臨之前能夠防患於未然,減低人命傷亡及財物損失。   何謂「防災社區」?  

[This article is only available in Chinese.]

[This article is only available in Chinese.]

麥嘉慧,科學人     這個標題是騙你進來學點化學知識的。   我曾「秘密地」受一位傳媒朋友所托,用滴定 (titration) 方法分析了幾個牌子的次氯酸水產品。它們價錢由每樽數十元至三、四百元不等,那它們的有效成份 — 次氯酸濃度又有多大分別呢?   次氯酸係咩嚟?  
