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Publications & Research

Publications & Research

We provide a platform between researchers, disaster practitioners, healthcare professionals and students for expertise exchange, collaboration and policy discussion.

Publications & Research

The HKJCDPRI Publications Section contains collaborative researches and publications with our partners and renowned academic institutions, and other research and development projects related to disaster preparedness and response.

The Guidelines section contains our selected collection of technical information, operational guidelines and useful tools for disaster management.

The Blog sub-section provides a platform where our team and peers share news and updates, as well as opinions and experiences in building disaster preparedness for the communities.


The blog posts are written by the author in his own personal capacity / affiliation stated. The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in the post belong solely to the author and does not necessarily represent those of Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute.

All resources listed here are freely and publicly available, unless specified otherwise. We ask users to use them with respect and credit the authors as appropriate.



[This article is only available in Chinese.]

[This article is only available in Chinese.]

2020年,全球迎來了一個新挑戰,2019冠狀病毒病疫情在全球擴散,深深影響了人類的衣、食、住、行。   香港一直被視為福地,災難似乎遙不可及,但今次疫情令公眾罕有地為不同的生活問題而恐慌。除四出搜購抗疫物資之外,市民亦擔心因疫情關係會出現糧食供應短缺,於是紛紛冒著受感染的風險,外出搶購, 包括:米、麵、油等等主要糧食 ,超級市場上的貨架迅間變得空空如也。   到底香港的食物供應會否因為疫症或者其他災害而中斷呢?社區又是否可以組織起來,為糧食供應的穩定性多做一點呢?作為小市民的我們,又可否為我們的社區行多一步呢?   想知道更多?可以參考以下文章《我們日用的飲食 怎樣交給我們》。   來源:Breakazine 061 末日生活提案|2020年6月號| 經《Breakzine》2020年8月21日 同意下轉載。

[This article is only available in Chinese.]

[This article is only available in Chinese.]

根據天文店就在九日一日發表的《2020年秋季季度預報》1,本港今年的秋季 (9月至11月) 氣溫將會維持正常至偏高,而雨量亦可能會維持正常至偏多的情況。   本教研中心總監羅信堂先生較早前接受明報訪問,向市民提供了不少有用的資訊以應對在香港的水浸情況。如果市民在不同的情景遇到水浸,市民有甚麼需要注意的地方呢?在面對危險時我們可以如何逃生呢?   想知道更多?可以參考以下文章。 來源:明報副刊 |2020年7月14日 經《明報》2020年8月10日 同意下轉載,《明報》保留所有權利。   [1] 2020年秋季季度預報,香港天文台, 2020    
Dr. Jimmy CHAN   From 1 September 2020, the Hong Kong Government started to offer free Universal Community Testing Program of COVID-19 for Hong Kong citizens. In this blog, we shall discuss different kinds of COVID-19 tests available and the pros and cons of these tests.   1. Viral culture of COVID-19 Test

[This article is only available in Chinese.]

[This article is only available in Chinese.]

面對全球暖化來勢洶洶,一人之力又能做甚麼?其實無論您是居家達人、上班一族、品味青年或者鍵盤戰士,只要堅守崗位、各展所長,就能為守護地球出一分力。   綠色和平與您分享一系列自救法,Go Go Climate Rangers! 居家達人 燈燈燈凳:LED燈泡 當鎢絲燈泡陸續被淘汰,LED燈泡逐漸躋身主流,能源效益甚至比「CFL慳電膽」更勝一籌。事實上,LED燈泡的壽命長達35,000至50,000小時,亦毋須虛耗大量用電於發熱之上,可謂居家精明之選。 畀電器放假! 打工仔固然不想24小時on call聽候上司差遣,其實電器都有權「放假」!無論電視、電腦抑或叉電器,毋須使用時記得關上總掣或拔走插頭,讓它們遠離「待機狀態」吧。 識睇一定睇標籤
