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Publications & Research

We provide a platform between researchers, disaster practitioners, healthcare professionals and students for expertise exchange, collaboration and policy discussion.

Publications & Research

The HKJCDPRI Publications Section contains collaborative researches and publications with our partners and renowned academic institutions, and other research and development projects related to disaster preparedness and response.

The Guidelines section contains our selected collection of technical information, operational guidelines and useful tools for disaster management.

The Blog sub-section provides a platform where our team and peers share news and updates, as well as opinions and experiences in building disaster preparedness for the communities.


The blog posts are written by the author in his own personal capacity / affiliation stated. The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in the post belong solely to the author and does not necessarily represent those of Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute.

All resources listed here are freely and publicly available, unless specified otherwise. We ask users to use them with respect and credit the authors as appropriate.


7 November, 2020  

[This article is only available in Chinese.]

[This article is only available in Chinese.]

2020年11月17日   油麻地廣東道一幢唐樓在不久前發生火災, 多名居民吸入大量濃煙及慘遭火燒,場面觸目驚心, 導致7人喪生, 10多人傷, 震動全城, 是9年來最嚴重一次。大家還記得1996年11月20日在嘉利大廈發生的大火? 這場五級火警列作特別重大事故,造成41死80傷, 是香港歷史上最嚴重的高樓大廈火災, 亦是香港自1963年以來死亡人數最多的火災, 事發期間香港傳媒大篇幅報道, 而被困人士在高空躍下逃生及被烈火吞噬的畫面, 震撼整個香港社會。   圖片來源: 立場新聞   

[This article is only available in Chinese.]

[This article is only available in Chinese.]

陳婉玲   根據香港政府統計處在2013年的統計調查[1],殘疾人士與智障人士數目超過65萬人,隨著香港人口逐漸老化,估計現時人數已遞增了不少。殘疾人士包括視障、聽障、肢體傷殘、智障、器官殘障/長期病患、言語障礙、自閉症、精神病、注意力不足/過度活躍症及特殊學習困難人士,雖然他們有一些限制和缺陷,但也有自身能力及潛能,與其他市民一樣,是社區重要的成員及持份者。   由於年齡的增長,很多人或身邊的親友,也有可能出現一些因疾病而成為殘疾人士;而每個社區/樓宇或多或少也會有殘疾人士居住,在防災及日常生活的需要上與大家息息相關。要預防災難發生和及時應變,大家的參與及協作,至關重要。   在香港,常見的災害包括火災、颱風、暴雨致水浸或山泥傾瀉、傳染病等,其中尤以火災最防不勝防,且隨時有可能發生,故每個家庭及每個社區,都必須有防災準備及計劃,萬一發生緊急事故,在消防員還未到達時,已能安全逃生,減低生命和財物的損失。   其實我們每個人在社會上也擔當著多個不同的角色,在防災備災計劃上,可以做得更周全,大家互相幫助,社區便更為安全。以預防家居火災為例,除了做好個人/家庭層面的預防措施,包括正確使用電器、爐具及易燃物品、預備好逃生包(內有重要證件、財物、手提電話、藥物…) 等之外,我們在其他角色上也可以做多幾步,作出貢獻: 
In times of Sudden Onset Disaster (SOD), timely emergency medical services are crucial to the affected communities. Being seen as one of the most important approach in emergency situations, emergency medical teams have a long history of responding to SODs such as the Haiti earthquake, the Indian Ocean Tsunami and the floods in Pakistan.  
