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Novel Coronavirus Summary 4 Feb 2020

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Novel Coronavirus Summary 4 Feb 2020


新型冠狀病毒疫情最新發展總結 – 2020年2月4日

Summary and Highlights of Current Outbreak of Novel Coronavirus - 4 February 2020


1. 個案數字 Number of Cases 








全球 (截至2020年2月3日中午12時) (詳情)

Global (as of 3 Feb) (Details)


No Figure



香港: (截至2020年2月2日中午12時) (詳情)

Hong Kong (as of 3 Feb) (Details)




中國內地個案總數:(截至 2020 年 2 月 2 日午夜 12 時) (詳情)

Mainland China (as of 2 Feb) (Details)


No Figure




2. 最新發展 Latest Findings 

- 新型冠狀病毒可經糞便傳播,即廁所可能是病毒溫床

- It was found that novel coronavirus could transmit through human faeces, indicating that toilet could be a high risk place

- 本港出現首宗新型冠狀病毒肺炎死亡個案,死者是家住黃埔花園的39歲男子,曾於1月21日乘搭高鐵由香港到武漢並於1月23日乘坐高鐵返港。他的72歲母親其後也確診新型冠狀病毒肺炎。

First local death case who was reported. The 39-year-old man who had traveled to Wuhan province on 21 Jan and returned to Hong Kong by high speed rail on 23 Jan. His 72-yearo-old mother was also confirmed to have contracted the coronavirus. 

- 繼2月1日發現首個懷疑在本港社區感染的個案,今天再發現兩宗,暫時共有三宗本地感染個案 (4/2/2020)

- Following the first case of local transmission found on 1/2, two more local transmission cases were found which added up to three in total. (4/2/2020).

- 在菲律賓發生首個外地感染死亡個案 (1/2/2020)

- The first death case outside China was reported in the Philippines (1/2/2020)

- 多國實行對中國人民的入境限制,部份國家如菲律賓的限制包括香港居民

- Some countries have ordered entry ban on visitors from mainland China. Some entry ban also applies to people from Hong Kong

香港政府已關閉部分出入境口岸,現時(4/2/2020) 本港仍然連接內地和外地的口岸共有三個,包括深圳灣口岸、港珠澳大橋香港口岸處理以及香港國際機場。已封閉的口岸總結在以下地圖

- The Hong Kong has closed all but three ports of entry (POE) for transportation between mainland and Hong Kong. POE in operation: Shenzhen Bay Port, the HK-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge HK Port , HK International Airport. See the map below for closed POE (in Chinese only)


3. 今天重點建議 Key Health Recommendations 

- 預防病毒從渠道傳染,每星期一次或以上把約半公升的清水注入每一排水口(U型隔氣口) (詳情)

Pour half a litre of water into each drain outlet at home once or more per week to prevent spread of virus through drainage pipes 

- 沖廁前把廁板蓋蓋上

- After using toilet, put the lid down before flushing 

- 減少到公共廁所

- Avoid going to public toilets 

- 在公共廁所如廁,洗手後可利用紙巾關掉水龍頭和門柄

- After using public toilet, use a tissue to grasp the water tap and door handle   


4. 持續健康建議  Other Health Recommendations 

- 避免到人多地方,在搭乘交通工具或在人多擠逼的地方時應佩戴外科口罩

- Avoid going to crowded places. Wear a surgical mask during public transport or in crowded places 

- 經常保持雙手清潔,尤其在觸摸口、鼻或眼之前

- Perform hand hygiene and wash hands frequently espeically before touching the mouth, nose or eyes

- 經常洗手,尤其在觸摸公共物件後,應以梘液和清水搓手最少20秒清潔雙手

- Perform hand hygiene and wash hands espeically after touching public items. Wash hands with liquid soap and water, and rub for at least 20 seconds

- 如沒有洗手設施,或雙手沒有明顯污垢時,用酒精搓手液潔淨雙手

- When washing facilities hands are available and hands not visibly soild, use alcohol-based handrub to clearn the hands

- 打噴嚏或咳嗽時應用紙巾掩蓋口鼻

- Cover your mouth an dnose with tissue paper when sneezing or coughing


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