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Upcoming Events & Training Courses

Upcoming Events & Training Courses

We train and equip individuals with professional skills in disaster preparedness and response through various programmes

Upcoming Events & Training Courses



[This article is only available in Chinese.]

[This article is only available in Chinese.]

「無惘。知災」舊區居民社區教育計劃」為教研中心的防災能力建設計劃2018-2019的計劃之一,其中的「有關風災對不適切居所居民影響調查」已於2019年5-7月順利進行,並成功訪問了104位居於住葵青區不適切居所的住戶。   調查有效地探討住戶的防災意識、所需的防災及災後支援等,此調查旨在讓社會大眾更了解基層市民的風災應對需要,並提出相關建議以改善情況。 發佈會將於2020年5月24日(今星期日)進行,歡迎 各界傳媒前來採訪,詳情如下:   「有關風災對不適切居所居民影響調查」發佈會 日期    :2020年5月24日(星期日) 時間    :上午11:00至中午12:30 地點    :葵芳盛芳街7號葵芳商業大廈18樓1804室   發佈會將會同步於「基進報導」面書專頁進行網上直播,歡迎公眾人士收看。 如對發佈會有任何查詢,可致電2871 8855 與經理(社區協作)陳靜怡小姐聯絡。  


Two representatives of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute (HKJCDPRI) participated in the World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine (WADEM) Congress held on 7 – 10 May 2019. The WADEM Congress is a biennial international event which provides an interactive and stimulating environment for participants to share research and findings, exchange ideas and best practices and network with peers.  
The Annual Conference on Disaster Preparedness and Response 2019 to be held on 29 June 2019 (Sat) at the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Jockey Club Building is the fourth of this series of conferences, following previous successful events in with the themes of From Community to Emergency Room in 2015; Building a Resilient Health System in 2016 and Emerging Challenges and Opportunities Ahead in 2018. 


Co-organised by the World Health Organization (WHO) and HKJCDPRI, the second WHO Emergency Medical Teams (EMT) Global Meeting has been successfully held on 28-30 November...
