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Upcoming Events & Training Courses

Upcoming Events & Training Courses

We train and equip individuals with professional skills in disaster preparedness and response through various programmes

Upcoming Events & Training Courses



[This article is only available in Chinese.]

[This article is only available in Chinese.]

隨着網絡及各類新媒體普及,市民每天於不同的平台上接收大量的訊息。然而,資訊氾濫的同時,很多消息的來源及真確性往往無從稽考。事實上,每逢天災、人禍、瘟疫等,各地都會出現各式各樣的假消息,不止引發民眾恐慌或搶購潮,更會阻礙救災或抗疫工作。 取得正確的資訊,能大大提升公眾以至前線救援人員在評估風險、和制定應對措施的成效。因此,教研中心將舉辦兩場《預防及應對災難之「Fact Check你要識!」》網上講座,旨在分享事實查證的態度與技巧,加強各界人士分析和處理資訊的能力。所有參與者將獲頒出席證書一張,而每場首100名於出席網上講座後填妥「會後網上意見表」的參與者更可獲咖啡禮券乙張。機會難得,萬勿錯過,請即報名: 網上講座詳情如下: 第一場 日期:2021年6月22日(星期二) 時間:下午4時30分至6時 語言:粵語 費用:全免 截止報名日期:2021年6月22日, 上午10時 講者:陳淑薇女士            陳淑薇女士是一位資深的新聞工作者,從事新聞工作超過四十年。她於1977年加入香港商業電台,1989年出任商業電台新聞及公共事務總監,2017年起轉任商業電台主席特別顧問,並擔任電台節目主持人,專訪政府高層及社會精英,深入分析時事議題。陳女士現為新聞教育基金主席及香港新聞博覽館副主席,於2018年獲香港特別行政區政府頒授銀紫荊星章,以表揚她對大眾傳播業的貢獻。


Time for Webinars 2&3 updated below! The concept of hospital contingency planning, as well as business continuity in Hospital Services is vital to ensure the continuation of provision of high quality patient care even in times of service disruption, and to recover quickly and safely from incidents. The World Health Organization (WHO) initiated the concept of “Safe Hospitals from Disasters” to reduce risk, protect health facilities and save live


Safety is the first priority Safety is the first priority in event management. Recent major emergency incidents such as the terror attack in Manchester Arena, concert fire in Oakland, and bombing in Boston Marathon, etc, served as painful reminder of the ever-present threat in any live mass event. The need of continuous assessment of risks, as well as developing and implementing up-to-date emergency plans are essential for effective response to all kinds of emergencies including man-made and natural disasters. Event safety does not rely only on the event organisers and emergency responders but also the general public, the government and industry stakeholders.  


Train-the-Trainer Programme
Asia-Pacific Region suffers the highest number of disasters across the globe. As Hong Kong is a key member in the region and one of the most densely populated cities in the world, both its public health and education sectors should play pivotal roles in disaster preparedness and response.   The Collaborating Centre for Oxford University and CUHK for Disaster and Medical Humanitarian Response (CCOUC) and the Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute (HKJCDPRI) jointly organised the Train-the-Trainer Programme on Disaster Preparedness and Response for Secondary School Teachers. The programme aims to enhance community resilience and promote disaster awareness in Hong Kong by strengthening the secondary school Liberal Studies curriculum.
