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Publications & Research

Publications & Research

We provide a platform between researchers, disaster practitioners, healthcare professionals and students for expertise exchange, collaboration and policy discussion.

Publications & Research

The HKJCDPRI Publications Section contains collaborative researches and publications with our partners and renowned academic institutions, and other research and development projects related to disaster preparedness and response.

The Guidelines section contains our selected collection of technical information, operational guidelines and useful tools for disaster management.

The Blog sub-section provides a platform where our team and peers share news and updates, as well as opinions and experiences in building disaster preparedness for the communities.


The blog posts are written by the author in his own personal capacity / affiliation stated. The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in the post belong solely to the author and does not necessarily represent those of Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute.

All resources listed here are freely and publicly available, unless specified otherwise. We ask users to use them with respect and credit the authors as appropriate.


*This article originates from Hong Kong Baptist University  4 January 2022
The Study of Coastal Hazards under Climate Change and Extreme Weather and Formulation of Improvement Measures - Feasibility Study (Coastal Hazards Study) has comprehensively reviewed the impacts of storm surges and waves on coastal low-lying or windy locations under extreme weather and climate change.
  The Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute (“HKJCDPRI”) has commissioned the Centre for Communication and Public Opinion Survey (“CCPOS”) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (“CUHK”) to conduct an opinion survey about Hong Kong people’s views towards the provision of help to people with mental distress (“the Survey”). Specfically, the Survey aimed to examine the following issues:  

[This article is only available in Chinese.]

[This article is only available in Chinese.]

香港賽馬會災難防護應變教研中心( 教研中心) 堅信「防災教育,從小做起」,自2019 年起積極與業界和學界合作,研發有趣又貼近生活的教學方法與教材,培養幼兒的防災知識、技能和態度,為應對未來的危難事件作好充分的身心準備。 教研中心在2020-21學年夥拍香港教育大學幼兒教育學系的研究團隊,開展一項名為「幼稚園推行防災教育課程的成效與挑戰」的研究項目。此研究旨在探討幼稚園校本防災教育課程對幼兒的批判性思維、解決問題和情緒管理能力的影響,並透過分析學校,社區和家長等不同層面和因素,了解本地幼稚園推行防災教育的成效和挑戰,從而加強學前兒童對防災和應災的知識、技能和態度。 綜合各持份者意見及研究結果,校長、教師和家長均認同推行幼兒防災教育的好處。從幼兒在活動中的表現、同儕之間的對話和學習評估表現中發現,幼兒的解難能力、自我保護和求生意識,於參與由教研中心舉辦的「幼稚園創新防災教材研發計劃」後均相對有所提升。 這份研究報告將有助了解香港幼兒防災教育的定位與發展方向,並就社會不同各持份者提出相關建議,具重要參考價值。相關內容及意見已提交教育局參閱。
