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Upcoming Events & Training Courses

We train and equip individuals with professional skills in disaster preparedness and response through various programmes

Upcoming Events & Training Courses


The Fundamental Disaster Response Course (FDRC) 2016 , organised by the Disaster Medicine Subcommittee of the Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine and supported by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute, was completed with 18 participants from the period of March - July 2016. The course consisted of five full day sessions (eight hours per session, 40 hours in total). Participants included emergency medicine physicians and nurses, and ambulance officers from the Hong Kong Fire Service Department.


[This article is only available in Chinese.] 全球化單元及公共衞生單元—(1)從香港看災害與公共衞生的關係 亞太地區是全球災害發生頻率最高的地方,香港作為亞太地區的重要一員,公共衞生及教育界在防災減災方面均應扮演關鍵角色。香港中文大學CCOUC災 害與人道救援研究所,
Disaster Field Responder Course
Supported by six organisations, Ambulance Service Institute, Civil Aid Service, Fire Service Department, Hong Kong Disaster Medicine Association, Hong Kong Red Cross, and Hong Kong St John Ambulance, the first session of the Disaster Field Responder Course was held on 15 August 2015. A total of 45 participants from the six supporting organisations attended the first training class on 15 August 2015. The course aims to enhance first aiders’ disaster response capacity with updated knowledge and essential practical skills in disaster situations. It covers topics on command and coordination, practical first responders’ practical skills in disaster situations, special situations and scenarios, as well as psychological support.   
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute (HKJCDPR) organized an Ebola Preparedness Seminar on 20 August 2014, jointly with the Hong Kong Medical Association. The seminar was supported by the Centre for Health Protection, Hong Kong Red Cross and Médecins Sans Frontières Hong Kong.
