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"Highlights of Annual Conference on Disaster Preparedness and Response 2015"
The Annual Conference on Disaster Preparedness and Response 2015: From Community to Emergency Room was held from 30th October to 1st November, 2015 at the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. The Conference was co-organised by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute (HKJCDPRI) and the Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine (HKCEM). The Conference successfully brought together a wide range of stakeholders including government representatives, healthcare professionals, NGO practitioners, and academics working in the field of disaster preparedness and response.
The HKJCDPRI would like to share with you some highlights of the conference in webcasts.
The Government of HKSAR establishes a risk based framework to handle the epidemic of communicable diseases. A three-tier framework for the preparedness and response for influenza pandemic, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome and Ebola have been prepared.
The activation of the three-tiered response level, namely Alert, Serious and Emergency Levels, is based on the risk assessment which includes: transmissibility of the infection, geographical spread of the disease, clinical severity of the illness, vulnerability of the population, availability of preventive measures and the recommendations by international health authorities.
Enhanced measures on preparedness and response for emergency situation of communicable disease epidemic will be implemented.
Specific and intensive health promotion and education are used to empower the public to reduce the risk of human infection from vector, animals, environment and from overseas travel. Empowered by the Prevention and Control of Disaster Ordinance (Cap 599), early detection is facilitated. Rapid response is enhanced through immediate epidemiological investigation and control measures. For risk communication, we have dedicated website to provide the latest information on epidemic and preventive measures. Health information is widely disseminated to the public through various channels such as TV, radio, hotline, forums and seminars.
Last but not the least, we actively seek close collaboration among different government departments, multiple disciplines, and various industries; and frequent exchange with WHO, the Mainland, Macao and overseas health authorities in the global efforts against infectious disease outbreaks.