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Global Emergency Medical Teams Project

Global Emergency Medical Teams Project

We support the World Health Organisation Emergency Medical Teams Initiative through our research and training development project.

Global Emergency Medical Teams Project

On 8 April 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) established a Global Emergency Medical Teams (EMTs, previously known as “Foreign Medical Teams”) Initiative to enable WHO to build a global roster of EMTs ready to be deployed in sudden onset disasters. In September 2015, the “Classification and Minimum Standards for Foreign Medical Teams in Sudden Onset Disasters” was published, which introduced a minimum standard, and a simple classification and registration system for EMTs.


To learn more about the WHO EMT Initiative, please click here.


“Training and Research Development for Emergency Medical Teams with Reference to the WHO Global Emergency Medical Teams Initiative and the WHO Classification and Standards”


Since August 2015, the HKJCDPRI has contributed to various WHO EMT meetings, development of training curriculum and classification of teams, with a focus on China, including Hong Kong. Since September 2016, the HKJCDPRI, the University of Manchester Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute (HCRI) WHO Collaborating Centre on Emergency Medical Teams officially signed a collaborative agreement with the Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute of the University of Manchester to further develop trainings and research agenda in support of the WHO EMT Initiative. The HKJCDPRI, HCRI, along with the National Health and Family Planning Commission of the People's Republic of China (NHFPC) Health Emergency Response Office have been working together to develop the capacity of the Chinese National EMTs for national and international deployment. The project will also be looking to expanding into other countries in the Asian-Pacific region.

The HKJCDPRI has been supporting the work of the WHO Global EMT initiative by developing training and capacity building programmes in accordance with the WHO minimum standards, and through identification of best practice and facilitating development of standard field operating procedures to professionalize the EMTs. The project has since delivered a series of trainings, including workshops and exchange tours for EMTs and those interested in the development of EMTs.


More details of the HKJCDPRI WHO Global EMT project can be seen below:


Co-organised by the World Health Organization (WHO) and HKJCDPRI, the second WHO Emergency Medical Teams (EMT) Global Meeting has been successfully held on 28-30 November...
In collaboration with the University of Manchester Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute, Department of Health and Hospital Authority, HKJCDPRI organised a workshop titled "Mobile Surge Capacity Teams for Medical and Public Health Emergencies" on 7 October 2016.  The workshop aimed to provide healthcare professionals with knowledge and to share experience on mobile surge team planning for medical and public health emergencies. The workshop examined the current practices of mobile medical team mobilisation internationally and locally. Topics discussed included:   - Understanding Surge Capacity and Mobile Surge Capacity - Sharing of Current Practices in Hong Kong and United Kingdom - Staffing Strategies
The first of a series of Emergency Medical Team (EMT) trainings in China was successfully held on the 5 – 8 September 2016 in Fuzhou, Fujian. The training was led and organized by the National Health and Family Planning Commission of the People's Republic of China (NHFPC) and national experts, and was supported by the World Health Organization (WHO). Representatives from the University of Manchester (UoM) and the Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute (HKJCDPRI) supported the training by developing course material and facilitating the delivery of the training. Amongst attendance were the 37 Chinese national EMTs, some of which were already WHO officially classified (i.e. Shanghai East Hospital), and some are pending classification.  
On 3-4 June 2016, Ms Eva Lam, Director of Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute (HKJCDPRI), also a member of the HKJCDPRI Working Group on World Health Organization (WHO) Global Emergency Medical Team (EMT) Initiative attended the 2-day WHO Global EMT Mentorship Meeting held in Tokyo, Japan. The meeting brought together existing EMT Lead Mentors and potential mentors to discuss developments within the programme, including updates on the WHO Global EMT classification criteria. Future development on the WHO EMT classification process and resources planning were also deliberated.  
