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The Correctional Services Department today said it strongly disapproved of and condemned Chan Man-mun's article in which he made unfounded and misleading remarks on the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance. The article titled Retrospective Effect was published in Ming Pao yesterday. The department noted that the grant of early release has never been a guaranteed right of persons in custody (PICs) under the laws of Hong Kong, whereas PICs should in principle serve the full sentence imposed by the court before they can be released. It added that the mechanism of granting of remission or early release under the legislation is established to encourage good conduct and industry of PICs. Any discretion by the Commissioner of Correctional Services to grant early release or any referral of a PIC's case to the relevant board for consideration of early release must be exercised or handled in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws, such as the Long-term Prison Sentences Review Ordinance, the Post-Release Supervision of Prisoners Ordinance and the Prison Rules. As regards PICs serving their sentences in respect of their convictions of offences endangering national security, the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance amended corresponding ordinances such that the PIC must not be granted remission or his case must not be referred to the relevant board for consideration of early release or sentence review, unless the commissioner is satisfied that the grant of remission or the early release will not be contrary to the interests of national security. The new provisions are applicable to all PICs serving sentences in respect of their convictions of offences endangering national security, irrespective of whether they were sentenced before, on or after the commencement of the relevant amendments. The department also highlighted that the new provisions are not punitive measures; do not increase the length of sentences imposed by the court, nor do they affect those who have already been released early. Therefore, the new provisions definitely do not engage the provisions under the Hong Kong Bill of Rights against retrospective criminal offences or penalties. The department emphasised that the two so-called "controversial" points mentioned in the Ming Pao article are factually inaccurate. First, section 7 of the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance provides for a clear definition of "offence endangering national security". Therefore, there is no such case as alleged in the article that "the Commissioner decides on his own to expand the scope of offences endangering national security". Furthermore, the principles established under case law are that the court must not, when sentencing a defendant, consider whether the defendant will be granted remission or early release in accordance with the law. The department pointed out that the article misled readers to believe that if a PIC is not granted remission or early release in accordance with the law, it would be tantamount to receiving a heavier sentence and a breach of the Hong Kong Bill of Rights through these false remarks.
Secretary for Justice Paul Lam will tomorrow attend the inaugural Forum of Chief Legal Advisors, organised by Singapore’s Attorney-General’s Chambers, the Department of Justice announced today. During roundtable sessions at the forum, Mr Lam will exchange views on topics including international investment dispute settlements with more than 20 representatives from other jurisdictions. He will also promote Hong Kong’s legal services to participants. Upon arrival in Singapore yesterday, Mr Lam met Chief Justice of Singapore’s Supreme Court Sundaresh Menon to discuss matters of mutual interest. He also visited Maxwell Chambers to give his views on the provision of integrated facilities and services for conducting alternative dispute resolution activities. This morning, the Secretary for Justice attended a 125th Anniversary Commemorative Event for the Permanent Court of Arbitration, and a networking lunch. He also called on the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore to explore collaboration opportunities. In the afternoon, following a meeting with Indian Attorney General R Venkataramani, Mr Lam went to the Singapore Academy of Law to talk about the development of lawtech in the region. This evening he will have dinner with Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to the Republic of Singapore Cao Zhongming and brief him on the latest legal developments in Hong Kong.
Secretary for Security Tang Ping-keung today led participants of a six-day study tour to Henan Province for a better understanding of the country's history and culture as well as its modern development. A group of 28 people who are members of the Security Bureau (SB) Youth Uniformed Group Leaders Forum and students of Shenzhen University, the forum's partner, joined the study tour. They visited Yue Fei Temple in Kaifeng City this morning, to learn more about the national hero and promote the virtue of patriotism. The group paid a visit to the historical magisterial authority at Kaifeng Fu and met CPC Kaifeng Municipal Committee Secretary Gao Jianjun in the afternoon. Mr Tang and the study tour arrived on July 20. In the past two days, they have visited places in the vicinity of the cities of Zhengzhou and Luoyang and met provincial and municipal leaders of Henan Province, Zhengzhou City and Luoyang City. The security chief thanked the provincial and municipal leaders as well as SB Youth Uniformed Group Leaders Forum Chairman Cheng Cheung-ling for their full support and co-ordination in various aspects of the arrangements for the excursion. The group also took in the night view of Zhengzhou City to learn more about its latest urban planning and keep abreast of the country’s development of new quality productive forces. They also toured famous scenic spots including the Shaolin Temple, Longmen Grottoes and Luoyi Ancient City to appreciate Chinese martial arts and visual aesthetics, and learn more about Chinese history. Over the next three days, the study tour will visit the Zhengzhou Yellow River Cultural Park, the Yellow River Museum and the Henan Museum to further understand the history and culture of the country. They will also view public security facilities to learn about the system’s operation of maintaining public security in the country. The rest of the itinerary also includes visits to the Zhongyuan Science & Technology City and key local enterprises in various areas. Mr Tang will return to Hong Kong tomorrow afternoon, while Under Secretary for Security Michael Cheuk will lead the study tour to continue the remaining itinerary.
Secretary for Justice Paul Lam attended the opening ceremony of the first Practical Legal Training for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) Lawyers in Guangzhou today. The Practical Legal Training for GBA Lawyers is being held at the Guangdong Judges College today and tomorrow. Around 100 GBA lawyers are participating in the training, which is organised by the Supreme People's Court and the Ministry of Justice, and hosted by the High People's Court and the Department of Justice of Guangdong Province. Experts and lawyers with ample practical experience from the people's courts, arbitral institutions and commercial mediation institutions on the Mainland are giving lectures on topics including civil and commercial litigation, arbitration and mediation. Mr Lam said the Department of Justice has been actively working to facilitate the GBA Legal Professional Examination and the provision of practical legal training for GBA lawyers with the Mainland authorities. This is to take forward the measures to enhance the interface of talent under the Action Plan on the Construction of Rule of Law in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area released by the department earlier, he added. The justice chief also looks forward to maintaining close liaison with the relevant Mainland authorities to discuss future training work for the professional development of GBA lawyers, thereby contributing to the construction of the rule of law in the bay area.
Secretary for Security Tang Ping-keung will lead 28 members of the Security Bureau Youth Uniformed Group Leaders Forum and students of Shenzhen University to visit Henan Province on July 20. The study tour will last for six days to enable the participants to gain a better understanding of the country's history and culture as well as its modern development. Mr Tang will return to Hong Kong on July 23, while Under Secretary for Security Michael Cheuk will lead the members on July 24 and 25 to participate in the remaining part of the tour. During Mr Tang's absence, Mr Cheuk will be Acting Secretary for Security.
The Immigration Department announced today that eligible Hong Kong residents can use the automated immigration clearance service in Macau with an encrypted QR code from tomorrow. The “Mutual Use of QR Code between HKSAR & Macao SAR Clearance Service” aims at providing a faster and more convenient immigration clearance service for eligible Hong Kong residents and Macau residents. Under the new measure, Hong Kong residents aged 11 or above holding a valid Hong Kong permanent identity card or Hong Kong identity card containing the “*”, “***” or “R” symbol who have successfully registered for using the Automated Immigration Clearance Service in the Macao Special Administrative Region are eligible for the service. They can activate the service with the “Contactless e-Channel” mobile application. After successful activation, they can generate an encrypted QR code through the mobile app for using automated immigration clearance. Meanwhile, eligible Macau permanent residents can generate an encrypted QR code through the “Macao One Account” mobile app for using e-Channels in Hong Kong.Click here for details. Call 2877 7711 for enquiries.
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government today strongly condemned and opposed the US Congress' Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the US & the Chinese Communist Party and the US Congressional-Executive Commission on China for making untruthful, slandering and smearing remarks against Basic Law Article 23 legislation and its efforts in safeguarding national security. In a statement, the Hong Kong SAR Government noted that the committee and the commission made these remarks in a letter to the US Government, adding that they also demanded the US Government to impose so-called "sanctions" on its officials, judges, prosecutors and police officers as well as made slandering remarks and despicable threats against the relevant personnel. The so-called “sanctions” mentioned in the letter smack of despicable political manipulation to intimidate the Hong Kong SAR officials safeguarding national security and grossly interfere in Hong Kong affairs which are China's internal affairs, violating international law and the basic norms governing international relations. Hong Kong despises such “sanctions” and is not intimidated by such despicable behaviour. It will resolutely discharge the duty of safeguarding national security. Enacting legislation on Article 23 of the Basic Law and refining the laws concerning safeguarding national security are the constitutional responsibilities of the Hong Kong SAR. In accordance with international law and practice based on the United Nations Charter, safeguarding national security is an inherent right of all sovereign states. It is each and every sovereign state's inherent right and international practice to enact laws safeguarding national security. The US has at least 21 pieces of law safeguarding national security and is therefore not in a position to point its finger at Hong Kong for legitimately legislating to safeguard national security. The statement said US politicians once again targeted the Hong Kong SAR Government's work on safeguarding national security and made slandering, smearing, misleading and erroneous remarks against the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance (SNSO), showing their despicable political manoeuvre and hypocrisy with double standards. The SNSO clearly specifies that the rights and freedoms enshrined in the Basic Law and the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social & Cultural Rights as applied to Hong Kong are to be protected in accordance with the law. US politicians neglected the relevant provision and lashed out wantonly, the statement added. As regards the case on the conspiracy to commit subversion mentioned in the letter, the statement said the verdict delivered by the court clearly stated that the criminal acts in the case aimed at undermining, destroying or overthrowing the existing political system and structure of the Hong Kong SAR established under the Basic Law and the “one country, two systems” principle. Such criminal acts endangering national security had nothing to do with the so-called fight for democracy and human rights, it added. In the 318-page judgment, the court has clearly set out the rationale and consideration underlying the conviction, and confirmed that the offence of conspiracy to commit subversion had taken place. Forty-seven people were charged in the case. Apart from two defendants against whom the evidence was found insufficient to be sure of their participation in the conspiracy offence, the remaining defendants were convicted, indicating the scale and seriousness of the criminal plan. The Hong Kong SAR law enforcement agencies have been taking law enforcement actions based on evidence and strictly in accordance with the law in respect of the acts of the people or entities concerned, and have nothing to do with their political stance, background or occupation, the statement said. The suggestion that certain individuals should be immune from the legal consequences for their illegal acts, including those involved in subversion, is no different from advocating a special pass to break the law, totally running contrary to the spirit of the rule of law, it added. As guaranteed by the Basic Law and the Hong Kong Bill of Rights, all defendants charged with a criminal offence shall have the right to a fair trial by the Judiciary exercising independent judicial power. The courts shall exercise judicial power independently, free from any interference. The Hong Kong SAR Government will resolutely, fully and faithfully implement the National Security Law, the SNSO and relevant laws safeguarding national security in Hong Kong to effectively prevent, suppress and impose punishment for acts and activities endangering national security. It strongly demands US politicians to immediately stop interfering in Hong Kong affairs which are purely China's internal affairs, and stop maliciously smearing the laws safeguarding national security in the city as well as the law enforcement, prosecution and adjudication of the relevant cases.
Four young inmates have met the general entrance requirements for local universities in this year’s Diploma of Secondary Education, the Correctional Services Department announced today. They are among 14 young inmates from Sha Tsui Correctional Institution (STCI), Pik Uk Correctional Institution and Lai King Correctional Institution who received their exam results today. They took a total of 86 examination papers and obtained level 2 or above in 80 of them, or 93% of the papers taken. One candidate at STCI scored 22 marks in five subjects, including level 5 in Economics and Physics, and “Attained” in Citizenship & Social Development. The exams sat included the four core subjects of Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics and Citizenship & Social Development, as well as two electives, namely Economics and Tourism & Hospitality Studies. STCI Superintendent Chan Man-yat encouraged inmates to maintain a proactive and positive attitude to meet the challenges ahead. The department provides education to help inmates below the age of 21 gain accredited qualifications and develop positive values with the hope that they can further their studies, find jobs and reintegrate into society after release.
The visa-free entry period for Hong Kong Special Administrative Region passport holders visiting Thailand has been extended from up to 30 days to 60 days, the Immigration Department announced today. Noting that Thailand is situated along the Belt & Road and a member state of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the department said the two places have a close relationship in people-to-people and cultural exchanges. It added that the extension of the visa-free entry period will bring greater travel convenience to Hong Kong SAR passport holders and strengthen the tourism, cultural and economic ties between the two places. As of today, 172 countries and territories grant visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to Hong Kong SAR passport holders. 
Police have alerted the public to a fraudulent website purporting to be an online booking system developed by the force. The case is being handled by the force's Cyber Security & Technology Crime Bureau. It said the fraudulent page would be taken down.  The domain name of the fake website is https:// It purports to offer services including a "Criminal Wanted Tracing System", a "Submit Funds Inventory", and "Secure Account Acquisition", in order to obtain personal data such as names, personal identification document numbers and photos. The force emphasised that it has no connection with the website and does not offer such services. The genuine web address of the Police Force is Citizens are advised to stay alert and refrain from visiting suspicious websites or disclosing personal information. Anyone who has submitted personal information on the fraudulent website should report the matter to the force.
