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On 17-19 September 2019, two representatives of the HKJCDPRI participated in the Emergo Train System - Senior Instructor Course held in Brisbane, Australia.
Developed in Sweden in the 1990s, the Emergo Train System (ETS) is a disaster simulation exercise and training system. The ETS is a validated simulation system used in over 35 countries. It makes use of a series of white board and magnetic system to represent capacity and resources. All actions are time-measured so the training outcomes can be measured quantitatively. Whiteboards and magnetic symbols will be used to represent resources available, and a patient bank with descriptions of injuries will be used to represent the needs. During a disaster simulation using the ETS, participants have to make accurate decisions on the use of resources including quantities of various equipments, manpower and time! It is an ideal system for assessing the capacitieis of pre-hospital and hospital responses during major incidents.
Upon completion on the course, two HKJCDPRI staff had become certified ETS Senior Instructors. With this capacity, the HKJCDPRI will utilise the knowledge and skills gained to enhance our current training and bring in new ideas for future training.
Board Incident Site trained participants to use METHANE for reporting
Board Hospital Emergency Department trained participants to prioritise the patients according to urgency of treatment
Mr Gary Law, Manager (Innovative Learning) monitored and assisted the ETS simulation exercise
Mr Jeffrey Shum, Project Officer calculated and wrote the destination, departure time and time the patients arrived in the department

The Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute (HKJCDPRI) works with the XVR simulation which develops Virtual Reality (VR) simulation software for emergency response professionals. On 26-28 June 2019, two representatives of the HKJCDPRI participated in the XVR User’s Group Meeting 2019 held in Manchester, United Kingdom.
The user group meeting is a global platform for VR simulation training providers to learn about the latest developments in VR simulation tools, learning pedagogy and exchange innovative ideas with other VR disaster simulation users around the world.
Mr Gary Law, Manager (Innovative Learning) delivered a presentation on the integration of online VR simulation exercise into traditional lecture-based e-learning courses which is a pioneer project in the field. This pilot project is in collaboration with the Emergency Medicine Unit of the HKU Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine. Participants of the e-learning course will be put at different VR simulated disaster scenarios online to handle various emergency responses.
The meeting was ended with a learning tour to the Coventry University and the Simulation Centre, Health and Life Science Building and National Transport Design Centre.
It is hoped that the new knowledge shared and learned at the meeting will help the global VR disaster simulation training community to strive for excellence in VR disaster simulation training!
The HKJCDPRI staff, Mr Gary Law, Manager (Innovative Learning) presented on “Update on the development of the HKJCDPRI E-learning with the XVR 360 Viewer”
Mr Jeffrey Shum, Project Officer, experienced the new VR training tools
The learning curve interactive screen and real-life scenarios was used in the Simulation Centre of the Coventry University
The virtual reality environment was adopted into the research project in the National Transport Design Centre of the Coventry University

為了提升本港山泥傾瀉緊急服務質素和效率,香港賽馬會災難防護應變教研中心(教研中心)聯同土木工程拓展署轄下的土力工程處引入「虛擬實境訓練系統」,為負責緊急山泥傾瀉管理工作的緊急值班人員提供培訓 。
緊急山泥傾瀉事故範圍甚廣,包括不涉及任何拯救行動的輕微個案,以至對社區造成重大影響的嚴重事故,包括需要疏散周邊樓房的市民、封閉受影響道路或進行緊急救援行動。雖然近年香港甚少出現嚴重山泥傾瀉事故,但一旦發生便可能會造成人命傷亡。虛擬實境 (VR)是一個理想的學習平台,讓各緊急值班人員預先體驗災難的狀況,以準備面對日後任何可能發生的相似情況。虛擬實境 (VR) 所模擬的災難情景能讓各緊急值班人員親身投入到真實的環境,並於虛擬實境下執行他們的任務及協調工作。這個訓練能讓他們更全面地裝備自己,以面對真正的災難情況。
是次虛擬實境訓練合共有 35 位土木工程師參加,他們對這次培訓給予正面的評價,並指出透過虛擬實境 (VR) 模擬出倍覺清晰和讓人印象深刻的場景,能為災難培訓帶來更有效的學習成果。
虛擬實境(VR) 模擬在鄉村發生的緊急山泥傾瀉事故。
虛擬實境(VR) 模擬在建築群發生的緊急山泥傾瀉事故。

「發展計劃會議 - 運用虛擬實境 (VR) 訓練現場指揮調派系統」已於2018 年 10 月 25至26日假韓國首爾舉行,會議期間向各與會者分享開發培訓災難應變虛擬實境(VR)技術的經驗。
遇有緊急事故和重大災難發生時,緊急應變部隊人員需即時參與救援, 但當中絕人員未必有處理各類型突發事故的實地經驗。 透過虛擬實境(VR)技術能夠模擬各災難事故的情景,並培訓緊急應變部隊人員處理災難事故及應變能力,因此已被公認為俱價值用於訓練災難應變的培訓工具。
香港賽馬會災難防護應變教研中心 (教研中心) 是本港其中一間積極研發虛擬實境 (VR) 技術的培訓機構,期望藉此增強緊急應變部隊人員於災難事故現場中的協調和溝通能力。我們為各緊急應變部隊提供度身訂造的培訓課程,就運用虛擬實境VR 技術優化學習情境並提供相關建議。
教研中心派出三人組成的代表團於2018 年 10 月 25 至 26 日,出席首爾消防災難本部所舉辦的「發展計劃會議 - 運用虛擬實境 (VR) 訓練現場指揮調派系統」。教研中心總監林楚釗女士並獲邀於第 一天的全體會議中,就為運用虛擬實境 (VR) 技術, 培訓不同緊急應變部隊人員的災難應變訓練進行經驗分享。在會議的第二天,教研中心亦獲邀在「與專家會面」的環節中,以敍述故事的方式與其他與會者,分享操作虛擬實境(VR) 訓練的經驗。會議的參加者分別來自香港、中國內地、韓國、新加坡、泰國、菲律賓、英國及葡萄牙。
會議期間,教研中心與參加者分享如何在緊急應變培訓中透過使用虛擬實境(VR) 技術,將行動綱領及體驗訓練融會貫通。虛擬實境 (VR) 訓練的其他優點還包括增強虛擬環境的臨場感、更輕易地因應培訓表現而提供即時回饋、讓學員按照自己進度學習,以及提供數之不盡的虛擬實境。
教研中心總監林楚釗女士在全體會議的演說中,跟參加者分享如果運用虛擬實境 (VR)技術補充桌上演練和實地演練之間的聯繫,以加強整體培訓的成效。
在展覽區內,參加者嘗試使用為緊急應變培訓而設的嶄新虛擬實境(VR) 工具。