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Upcoming Events & Training Courses

Upcoming Events & Training Courses

This law course will help to understand underlying principles governing armed conflicts, also known as International Humanitarian Law (IHL). It enables a careful evaluation of the various IHL rules intended to protect victims, such as civilians and prisoners of war, as well as wounded and sick during armed conflict. This course provides essential knowledge and skills for academics and practitioners who wish to specialise in this field. Course emphasise to professionals working in the humanitarian and medical field, including members of NGOs especially involved in armed conflict situations.
To learn more and enroll to the course

A FREE short course “Food Security: Local and Global Perspectives” (6 Sep – 30 Oct 2019; every Wed & Fri evening) organised by Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, the Collaborating Centre for Oxford University and CUHK for Disaster and Medical Humanitarian Response (CCOUC) of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), and in collaboration with the Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute (HKJCDPRI) is now open for application.
Despite the advancement in economic development and food technology, there are people living without the basic supply of sufficient and clean foods require for their physiological well-being. The World Food Summit of 1996 defined food security as existing “when all people at all times have access to sufficient, safe, nutritious food to maintain a healthy and active life”. This course introduces the factors affecting the sustainability of the contemporary food systems at both local and global perspectives. Areas including technological advancement, economic drive, political stability, as well as socio-cultural influences will be analyzed critically as insights to tackle the challenge of future food crisis.
This is a re-run of the same course held in Jan-Mar 2019 and Jan-Mar 2018.
Course Date & Time | 6 Sept – 30 Oct 2019 Every Wednesday and Friday evenings 18:30 - 21:30 |
Course Coordinator | Dr Tony YUNG Senior Lecturer, JC School of Public Health and Primary Care, CUHK |
Application Methods | Please click this link for online application Deadline for application: 20 Aug 2019 (Tues) *Places are limited and on first-come-first-serve basis |
Application Criteria |
Application Results | 23 Aug 2019 (Fri) Both successful and non-successful applicants will receive notice |
Assessment | Certificate course students (Occasional students) are required to finish the group presentation. Write up and quizzes are OPTIONAL. |
For more details on the programme and course structure, please see: Course Details.pdf
For further enquiries, please contact Dr Tony Yung (Email: [email protected]; Tel: 2252 8468). The course website can be accessed here.

The Annual Conference on Disaster Preparedness and Response 2019 to be held on 29 June 2019 (Sat) at the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Jockey Club Building is the fourth of this series of conferences, following previous successful events in with the themes of From Community to Emergency Room in 2015; Building a Resilient Health System in 2016 and Emerging Challenges and Opportunities Ahead in 2018.
Today, 55% of the world’s population lives in urban cities and the figure will surge to 68% by 2050 according to the United Nations. Many metropolitan cities are still growing and changing rapidly, creating more natural and technological threats complicated by the structural, social, energy and environmental development. If defenses fail, the human and economic toll can be enormous. The emerging disaster risks should not be the concern for disaster management practitioners only but for all industries that might be affected by the impact of catastrophes. It is imperative that we embrace the concept of resilience and adapt our management practice to meet the demands of an environment with evolving threats in a multi-sectoral and collaborative approach.
With a theme of “Reduce Risks · Build Resilience”, the 2019 annual conference aims to provide a platform for knowledge sharing, information exchange, discussion of latest developments, networking and partnership building across different sectors of players in disaster risk reduction work. The conference will bring together experts and practitioners, government officials, social services, businesses and researchers to share experience and ideas on reducing risks and building resilience!
For more information and registration, please visit
To put together a conference of this diversity of participants and topics is not a small task. We are very honored to have the support of the Scientific Committee for providing their wisdom and guidance to the design of the programme. Our special thanks also go to the Hong Kong Observatory for offering a guided tour as a post-conference event as well as the following list of Supporting Organisations who help promulgate our messages to their members.
(Listing in no particular order)
- Ambulance Service Institute (Hong Kong Branch)
- Auxiliary Medical Service
- Civil Aid Service
- Civil Engineering and Development Department
- Department of Health
- Drainage Services Department
- Hong Kong College of Community Medicine
- Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine
- Hong Kong Council of Social Service
- Hong Kong Fire Services Department
- Hong Kong Institute of Security Professionals
- Hong Kong Observatory
- Hong Kong Police College
- Hong Kong Police Force
- Hong Kong Red Cross
- Hong Kong St. John Ambulance

The free short course “Disaster and Humanitarian Crisis” (20, 27-29 June, 2019) is organised by the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care (JCSPHPC), and Collaborating Centre for Oxford University and CUHK for Disaster and Medical Humanitarian Response (CCOUC) of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and the Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute (HKJCDPRI).
Disaster and humanitarian responses are crucial elements in public health practices. Humanitarian relief actions often highlight the importance of mitigation, preparedness, training and multidisciplinary collaborative response within and beyond the health and medical sector. This course offers an overview of the disaster management cycle and the public health and medical implications of disaster and humanitarian crisis. It aims to show how public health principles may be applied in disaster relief and how evidence-based health related humanitarian actions can be planned, implemented and evaluated.
This is a rerun of the same course held in 2018. Please check out the attached course outline for the detailed lecture date and content.
The course is designed for Master for Public Health (MPH) students and occasional students. For occasional students, assessment scheme is not required. An attendance of 70% is required for issuance of a Certificate of Attendance.
After completing this course, students should be able to: |
Specific topics within the course: |
What are the criteria for application? |
How to enroll? | Click here for application Deadline for application: 1 June 2019 Both successful and non-successful applicants will receive notice by email on the 6 June 2019 |
For further enquiries, please contact Dr Tony Yung (Email: [email protected]; Tel: 2252 8468). For more details, please see the course outline on the right or go onto the course website here.