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The Fire Services Department said today that it has discovered a potential personal data leakage incident on one of its IT systems. It added that there is no evidence of data having been released. The contractor responsible for the system was asked to immediately suspend it and had its access rights to the system withdrawn. A preliminary investigation discovered that the incident occurred when the contractor handled a data migration procedure. The access rights to the data were found to have been altered without authorisation, posing a potential risk of data leakage. The data includes the surnames and telephone numbers of approximately 480 members of the public who reported tree collapse incidents during Super Typhoon Saola on September 2, 2023. It also includes personal information relating to about 5,000 department staff, including their names, telephone numbers, ranks, numbers, and postings. The incomplete identity card numbers of 960 of these individuals are also involved. On discovering the incident the department liaised with the abovementioned contractor, requesting immediate suspension of the system and all of its contract jobs. The department, together with the contractor, is conducting a comprehensive review and stepping up protective measures to prevent similar incidents. It has also reported the incident to Police, the Security Bureau, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data and the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer. The Fire Services Department expressed its sincere apologies over the incident. It has notified the affected members of the public through SMS and phone calls. They should report any suspicious circumstances to Police as soon as possible, For enquiries, call 2723 8787 or email [email protected].
The Government today said relevant departments responded promptly to flooding and landslides in various areas of Hong Kong, making every effort to minimise the impact of the persistent rainstorm. It also reminded the public to stay updated on the latest weather forecasts and traffic reports as the city is affected by another band of intense thundery showers.  The Drainage Services Department (DSD) activated its Emergency Control Centre this morning and deployed emergency response teams to proactively inspect locations prone to flooding, including the areas of Sai Kung and Tseung Kwan O. As the rain intensified, the DSD deployed additional manpower to handle flooding cases and clear the drainage channels across the city, which involved over 160 emergency response teams comprising about 600 people. By 7.30pm, all 16 flooding cases, including 12 in Sai Kung and Tseung Kwan O, were resolved. All cases were successfully handled within one to two hours upon receipt of reports, and the affected roads have mostly resumed normal operation. The Geotechnical Engineering Office's (GEO) Emergency Control Centre under the Civil Engineering & Development Department also began operation promptly after the Hong Kong Observatory issued a landslip warning. By 7pm, the GEO had received a total of 15 landslide reports in Sai Kung. It immediately carried out inspections at the reported locations and arranged necessary slope emergency works. One of the landslide cases occurred in Clearwater Bay Country Park above the Tseung Kwan O Stage II Restored Landfill. The Environmental Protection Department instantly deployed manpower and excavators to clear the debris and divert rainwater to nearby catchwaters or stormwater drains, thereby alleviating the flooding pressure in Tseung Kwan O. The Highways Department’s (HyD) Emergency Control Centres co-ordinated the handling of road emergencies, including clearing roadside gullies blocked by muddy water and debris in some areas in Sai Kung and Tseung Kwan O where landslides and flooding occurred. Given the quick response of the DSD, the Transport Department (TD), the HyD and Police, most of the roads in Sai Kung district closed earlier today due to severe flooding reopened in a short period of time and traffic resumed normal. The TD’s Emergency Transport Coordination Centre also escalated to a higher level to closely monitor the traffic conditions across the city, while maintaining close liaison with relevant government departments and public transport operators, and providing timely information to the operators for appropriate operational arrangements. By 7pm, the Fire Services Department had handled 25 reports of Person Being Shut in Lift and 71 reports from automatic fire alarm systems as well as evacuated 14 people. By 8pm, the Government had received 22 reports of fallen trees with no injuries. The Government urged citizens to stay away from slopes when landslip warnings are in effect or during heavy rain. They also should not go near or stand under trees, as well as avoid visiting country parks. The Home Affairs Department opened nine temporary shelters for people in need. In Sai Kung, 12 District Services & Community Care Teams participated in the coping measures under the heavy rain, including being on duty at the shelters to assist those in need.
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government today said it strongly opposed a so-called resolution by the European Parliament against Hong Kong, and strongly condemned it for making baseless allegations about Hong Kong and smearing the Hong Kong National Security Law and the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance. The Hong Kong SAR Government said in a statement that in accordance with international law and international practice based on the UN Charter, safeguarding national security is an inherent right of all sovereign states. It pointed out that common law jurisdictions, including western countries such as the US, the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, as well as Singapore, have enacted multiple pieces of legislation to safeguard national security. It added that in over-looking this and making exaggerated remarks, the European Parliament had demonstrated political hegemony, hypocrisy and double standards. The statement noted that the security law and the national security ordinance clearly specify that the rights and freedoms enshrined in the Basic Law, and by the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social & Cultural Rights as applied to Hong Kong, are to be protected in accordance with the law. It added that the European Parliament had chosen to ignore this and instead lashed out wantonly and with malicious intent. The Hong Kong SAR Government emphasised that extraterritorial effect for offences endangering national security under the security law and ordinance fully aligns with the principles of international law, international practice and common practice adopted in various countries and regions. It highlighted that the national security laws of various countries, including member states of the European Union, also have extraterritorial effect, adding that Hong Kong’s security law and ordinance take into account the principles of international law and international practice. It said that the European Parliament’s clamour for so-called sanctions against Hong Kong SAR personnel who dutifully safeguard national security amounted to political grandstanding rife with ill intentions. The Hong Kong SAR Government urged the European Parliament to stop smearing Hong Kong and interfering in its affairs, which are the internal affairs of China, and to ensure that its remarks concerning Hong Kong’s security law and ordinance are fair and just.
The family members of brave deceased fireman Yau Yiu-man will be granted a sum of $6 million under the Financial Assistance Scheme for Family Members of Those Who Sacrifice Their Lives to Save Others, the Government announced today. The late Mr Yau sacrificed his life on January 19 while attending a rescue operation for a trapped female driver in a traffic accident at Penny's Bay, Lantau Island. The Labour & Welfare Bureau pointed out that the grant was approved by the Chairman of the Committee on Financial Assistance for Family Members of those who Sacrifice their Lives to Save Others. Apart from paying tribute to the late Mr Yau for his gallant act, Secretary for Labour & Welfare Chris Sun expounded on what the grant represents. ​"Despite all the known risks, Mr Yau vividly demonstrated selflessness during the rescue operation. He spared no effort in saving lives, which commands our greatest respect. We deeply mourn the loss of such an excellent and devoted public servant. “The grant represents the Government's recognition of the late Mr Yau's exceptional courage and professionalism of the highest order. We sincerely hope that the financial assistance can provide some relief to his family members." Under the Scheme, the amount of financial assistance for each approved application is worked out according to a formula having regard to the age and normal retirement age of the deceased and the prevailing median monthly employment earnings, the bureau explained.
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government today said it strongly disapproves of and rejects the unfounded and biased content related to Hong Kong contained in the US Department of State's so-called 2023 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices. In a statement, the Government said it strongly disapproves of and opposes the US' repeated tactics through the so-called report in making slandering remarks against Hong Kong, where "one country, two systems" is successfully implemented. Apart from pointing out that the US is once again overriding the rule of law with politics and politicising human rights issues, the statement made it clear that such an attempt to undermine Hong Kong's prosperity and stability and interfere in its law-based governance is doomed to fail. The Government stated that since Hong Kong's return to the motherland, Hong Kong residents' human rights have been firmly protected by the Constitution and the Basic Law. The Government resolutely, fully and faithfully implements the Hong Kong National Security Law (NSL), the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance and other relevant laws safeguarding national security in the city, to effectively prevent, suppress and impose punishment for acts and activities endangering national security in accordance with the law, whilst maintaining the common law system, adhering to the principle of the rule of law and upholding the rights and freedoms of Hong Kong residents in accordance with the law, so as to ensure the steadfast and successful implementation of the principle of "one country, two systems". The Government also strongly demands the US to immediately stop acting against international law and the basic norms of international relations and interfering in China's internal affairs and Hong Kong affairs. On legislation safeguarding national security, the statement said content regarding legislation safeguarding national security in the Hong Kong SAR contained in the US' so-called report are completely absurd and untrue. It added that since the implementation of the NSL in June 2020, the US has ignored the large-scale and incessant riots that occurred in 2019 and devastated Hong Kong’s society, livelihood and economy. Instead, the US piled up false stories and fabricated narratives through various so-called reports to maliciously slander legislation safeguarding national security in the Hong Kong SAR, and blatantly attack the city in safeguarding national security dutifully, faithfully and in accordance with the law, the statement noted. The Government stated that the US has also deliberately neglected the fact that such laws have enabled the livelihood and economic activities of the Hong Kong community, and the business environment, to return to normalcy. It described the US’ bullying act and hypocrisy with double standards as utterly ugly and despicable. In addition, the Government stressed that the legal framework in safeguarding national security in the Hong Kong SAR, as well as the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance which was gazetted and took effect last month, clearly stipulate that human rights shall be respected and protected in safeguarding national security. It supplemented that the rights and freedoms, including the freedoms of speech, of the press and of publication, and the freedoms of association, of assembly, of procession and of demonstration, enjoyed by Hong Kong residents under the Basic Law and the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social & Cultural Rights as applied to the Hong Kong SAR are to be protected in accordance with the law. The Government also pointed out that the offences endangering national security stipulated by the NSL target acts endangering national security with precision, and define the elements and penalties of the offences with clarity. It explained that the prosecution has the burden to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the defendant has the actus reus and mens rea of an offence before the defendant may be convicted by the court, as well as making it clear that the offences under the NSL do not have retrospective effect, which is in line with Article 12 of the Hong Kong Bill of Rights. The statement also mentioned that it is each and every sovereign state's inherent right to enact laws safeguarding national security, and it is also international practice. The US has at least 21 pieces of law safeguarding national security and is therefore, in no position to point its finger at other countries and regions for legitimately legislating to safeguard national security, the statement noted. The Government also touched on issues regarding the sedition offence, enforcement actions, bail arrangement, legal practitioners and the city’s electoral system in the statement. It reiterated that the Hong Kong SAR steadfastly safeguards national sovereignty, security and development interests, and fully and faithfully lives up to this top priority of "one country, two systems". With the strong support from the motherland, and as the city where the global advantage and the China advantage converge under "one country, two systems", Hong Kong will continue to protect and promote human rights through security, development and co-operation, as well as to tell the international community good stories of the city's human rights situation in a reasoned and robust manner, the statement concluded.
The Education Bureau today called on schools and the public to stay vigilant against a bogus phone call from a person claiming to be a staff member of the bureau. The bureau has received multiple reports of schools receiving a phone call from a person claiming to be one of its staff members, saying the Under Secretary will inspect the school and requesting them to make arrangements and provide a mobile phone number for liaison. The case has been reported to Police.          People are advised to stay alert to suspicious phone calls and not disclose personal information. Anyone who believes they have been scammed should contact Police immediately. If schools have enquiries, they may call the bureau's respective District School Development Section.
The Fire Services Department today said the white foam found in a water pond in Tseung Kwan O last night was firefighting foam that had inadvertently gone into the stormwater drainage system, and follow-up work is ongoing. Responding to media enquiries, the FSD said it received a report last night about the discovery of white foam in a Siu Chik Sha water pond. The FSD explained that it conducted a test of “biodegradable fluorine-free firefighting foam” yesterday at the Fire & Ambulance Services Academy (FASA) close to the pond's location. The department suspects that some of the firefighting foam did not divert into the pipes of the foam treatment system during the test, and inadvertently went into the stormwater drainage system. The FSD immediately cleaned the FASA stormwater drainage system and took on-site samples for further testing by the Government Laboratory. It also arranged for a contractor to inspect the foam treatment system, which also completed the cleaning work at nearby channels late this afternoon. The FSD said it will closely monitor the situation of the nearby channels in these few days and take appropriate follow-up action if any more foam is found. Additionally, the FASA has suspended all drills involving firefighting foam until the cleaning work and inspection of the foam treatment system are completed. The FSD will continue to co-operate with various departments on the matter. It emphasised that the foam concentrate used in the test is a fluorine-free firefighting foam that is biodegradable and does not remain in the environment as a persistent organic pollutant.
(To watch the full media session with sign language interpretation, click here.) Chief Executive John Lee said the Government will enhance enforcement action and amend the law to increase the penalty for those who fail to comply with fire safety rules, following last week’s fire at the New Lucky House in Jordan. Mr Lee made the statement ahead of this morning’s Executive Council meeting, saying that the Government will make enforcement procedures more efficient and set priorities on prosecution. “We will be trying to shorten the duration of time that will be taken for actual action to be taken against those who have not complied (with the Government's directions). “We will also set priorities on prosecution. For those (who) have been posing quite an immediate fire hazard or structural hazard, then, of course, they (such cases) will be (a) priority.” The Chief Executive added that the Government will submit a legislative proposal to empower government departments to carry out the necessary work to improve fire safety and fire service installations. He explained that the move is to ensure that delays in making such improvements will not occur. Meanwhile, to strengthen the deterrence effect, the legislative amendment will also include increasing the penalty for non-compliance with directions issued by the Buildings Department.
The Security Bureau (SB) and its eight disciplined services and auxiliary services held a flag-raising ceremony and other activities to mark National Security Education Day today. Under the theme “10th anniversary of a Holistic Approach to National Security”, the events were aimed at deepening citizens’ understanding of the services’ work in safeguarding national security and their own responsibility towards upholding it. In the morning, the SB and its disciplined services jointly held a flag-raising ceremony at the Police College, with Chief Secretary Chan Kwok-ki officiating. The ceremony started with a music performance by the Police Band, followed by a march-in of the disciplined services ceremonial guard. The flag-raising ceremony, conducted by the Police flag party, involved the playing and singing of the national anthem. Addressing the ceremony, Mr Chan said that national security is the foundation for prosperity and stability in society, and of the well-being of the people. He highlighted the immediate effect of the promulgation and implementation of the National Security Law in stopping violence, curbing disorder and quickly restoring social stability in Hong Kong. In addition, he noted that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region had fulfilled its constitutional duty by completing the Basic Law Article 23 legislation this year to improve the legal system and enforcement mechanisms for safeguarding national security. Stressing that national security education and patriotic education go hand in hand, Mr Chan said the Hong Kong SAR Government will work with the newly established Working Group on Patriotic Education to rally support from all quarters to promote patriotic education and the mainstream values characterised by patriotism across four areas of society. The four areas are: school education; local communities; history, politics, the economy and culture; and media publicity. After the flag-raising ceremony, Mr Chan officiated at the Safeguarding National Security Cup awards presentation ceremony. He commended the SB and its disciplined services and auxiliary services for holding sports competitions to raise participants’ awareness of national security while showcasing their vitality and unity. In addition to the flag-raising ceremony, Secretary for Security Tang Ping-keung also attended other national security education activities today, including the National Security Education Day Opening Ceremony & Seminar held by the Hong Kong SAR Committee for Safeguarding National Security at the Convention & Exhibition Centre.    Meanwhile, more than 102,000 students from 585 secondary and primary schools participated in the Territory-wide Inter-school National Security Knowledge Challenge. The highlights of the finals, and the award presentation ceremony, will be broadcast in a programme at 9.30pm today on HOY Infotainment.
Activities for the 2024 National Security Education Day were launched at the Convention & Exhibition Centre today. In his keynote speech, delivered via video link at the opening ceremony, CPC Central Committee Hong Kong & Macao Work Office Director and State Council Hong Kong & Macao Affairs Office Director Xia Baolong said that the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance, which took effect on March 23, is a significant milestone in the implementation of “one country, two systems”. Mr Xia said that today, with the protection offered by national security legislation and the full implementation of the principle of “patriots administering Hong Kong”, Hong Kong has bade farewell to an era of instability, allowing it to be fully focused on pursuing economic growth and advancing development. He stressed that to realise the transition from stability to prosperity, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region must meet five needs: the need to firmly safeguard national security so as to provide the necessary conditions for high-quality development; the need to steadfastly implement “one country, two systems” and give full play to its fundamental safeguards in maintaining Hong Kong's prosperity and stability; the need to consolidate, make best use of and further develop Hong Kong’s unique position and advantages; the need to better integrate into national development so as to bring new impetus and more business opportunities to Hong Kong; and the need to adapt to new situations and challenges, and to embrace new responsibilities, so as to break new ground and achieve a new leap forward. Realising the transition from stability to prosperity is the common enterprise of the whole community of Hong Kong, he said. Mr Xia added that citizens will surely draw on the Lion Rock spirit to pioneer change, explore opportunities, strive, persevere and move forward, thereby creating a new era of development for Hong Kong and a brighter future together. He said that with the strong backing of the Motherland and the efforts of all Hong Kong people, the city will advance unhindered. Chief Executive and National Security Committee Chairman John Lee said Mr Xia’s inspiring speech pointed to the direction Hong Kong must take to realise the transition from stability to prosperity. He was grateful to Mr Xia for the care, guidance and support he has given Hong Kong. In his own keynote speech at the opening ceremony, Mr Lee said the Hong Kong SAR Government will implement the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance in four ways: by making continuous efforts to brief the community; by reviewing and strengthening internal systems; by sparing no effort in enhancing executive capabilities to prevent suppress, and impose punishment for national security offences; and by strengthening national security education. Mr Lee said that following the enactment of the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance on March 23, Hong Kong has put up a shield and strengthened the defensive wall of its national security. He added that as Hong Kong SAR transits from stability to prosperity, it will focus its efforts on pursuing economic growth, advancing development, improving people's livelihoods and bringing fulfilment to the people. Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in Hong Kong Director and National Security Committee National Security Advisor Zheng Yanxiong also attended the activities. The theme of this year’s National Security Education Day is “10th Anniversary of a Holistic Approach to National Security”. A five-month programme, the “National Security Knowledge Challenge for All Schools in Hong Kong”, has been jointly organised by the Government and a private foundation, with more 100,000 primary and secondary school students participating. Events included the first National Security Education Study Tour, in which 75 teachers and students from 17 secondary schools visited Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou to experience and appreciate first-hand the importance of various aspects of national security.
