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A two-day foundation course, part of the second phase of the Rule of Law Education Train-the-Leaders Programme, concluded today, with Secretary for Justice Paul Lam conducting in-depth exchanges with trainees on topics relating to the rule of law. Organised by the Department of Justice, the course was titled Rule of Law Education (ROLE) Stars. It was attended by more than 100 secondary school teachers mainly responsible for teaching courses related to the rule of law, the Constitution, national security education, and Citizenship & Social Development. Representatives from the department and sectors including the legal profession and the media served as trainers, guiding the discussions and interactive sessions. At a question-and-answer session this afternoon, Mr Lam discussed various topics with teachers, including how to enhance students' interest in Hong Kong's legal system and in rule of law in the country more widely. Mr Lam stressed that in order to uphold the rule of law, everyone in the community should be a guardian of it and an advocate for it. In this regard, teachers should go the extra mile to inspire interest among the next generation, he added.  Encouraging teachers to learn more about the rule of law, he explained that they can have faith that they are not alone in advancing rule of law education as the Government is doing its best to provide assistance.  A number of trainees said the course content was substantial, easy to understand and practical, adding that it will serve to strengthen their ability to communicate correct messages on the rule of law to students, helping them to develop a correct global perspective and personal values. A graduation ceremony for the second phase of the programme was also held in the afternoon.
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, the National Development & Reform Commission (NDRC) and relevant central ministries today held the seventh Joint Conference on Advancing Hong Kong's Full Participation in & Contribution to the Belt & Road Initiative in Beijing. NDRC Vice Chairman Zhao Chenxin attended the conference with Mainland officials led by him, while Secretary for Justice Paul Lam led Hong Kong SAR Government officials to take part in the forum in his capacity as the chairman of the Working Group on Belt & Road Development under the Steering Group on Integration into National Development. Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development Algernon Yau, who is the conference’s Hong Kong-side convenor, also attended. Mr Lam said that as the Belt & Road Initiative (B&RI) has entered its next golden decade, President Xi Jinping announced at the third Belt & Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing in October last year the eight major steps the country will take to support the joint pursuit of high-quality Belt and Road (B&R) development, which Hong Kong's advantages are closely aligned with. Guided by the eight major steps, in particular co-operation in new fields such as green development and innovation, the Steering Group on Integration into National Development chaired by the Chief Executive and its Working Group on Belt & Road Development are steering various policy bureaus and departments to proactively capitalise on Hong Kong's role as the functional platform for the B&RI, as well as to give full play to its role as a super connector and a super value-adder. Mr Lam also pointed out that there are seven deliverables directly related to Hong Kong among the lists of deliverables announced after the forum, adding that the Hong Kong SAR Government is actively implementing the deliverables and has made good progress. Such deliverables include increasing the quota of the Belt & Road Scholarship to 150 per year, launching the inaugural Asia+ Festival, commencing the joint production of television variety programmes with B&RI regions, and organising the first event outside the Mainland for the Green Investment & Finance Partnership. Apart from noting that the Hong Kong SAR Government is taking forward the establishment of the Hong Kong International Legal Talents Training Academy and the Meteorological Training Centre for Belt & Road Countries, Mr Lam stated that it is also planning to hold the ninth Belt & Road Summit in September. Furthermore, the Hong Kong SAR Government is actively carrying out the preparatory work for the establishment of the International Organization for Mediation. At the meeting, Mr Yau highlighted the Hong Kong SAR Government's achievements in various aspects in promoting the B&RI over the past year. The achievements include proactively expanding the city's economic and trade networks in B&R markets such as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the Middle East and North Africa; forging free trade and investment agreements with more trade partners in exploring B&R opportunities; and continuous enhancements to the relevant B&RI platforms in Hong Kong. Today’s meeting focused on the 12 work proposals aimed at further promoting the B&RI that the Hong Kong SAR Government put forward for consideration by central ministries, covering B&R economic, trade and investment co-operation, legal and dispute resolution services, finance and risk management, and innovation and technology (I&T). Meanwhile, Mainland ministries introduced their work in supporting Hong Kong's participation in and contribution to the B&RI, and provided feedback on the Hong Kong SAR Government's work proposals.  The meeting also discussed the Hong Kong SAR Government’s work priorities under the guidance of the eight major steps in the year ahead. Among such priorities, the Hong Kong SAR Government will continue to actively seek for Hong Kong's early accession to the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, organise a number of outbound missions to B&R markets, strengthen Hong Kong's position as Asia's green finance hub and continue to participate in the development of an international I&T centre in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.
Marking the fourth anniversary of the implementation of the National Security Law (NSL), the Security Bureau today launched the updated NSL online virtual exhibition with enriched content and new additions. There are nine zones in the updated virtual exhibition. In addition to the content related to the NSL, a new virtual exhibition hall has been added to introduce the features and main offences of the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance which took effect upon gazettal in March. Supplemented with simple and easy-to-understand questions and answers, information in the hall will enable members of the public to understand more fully the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region’s legal system and enforcement mechanisms in safeguarding national security. The updated exhibition continues to use the Hong Kong Palace Museum embellished with Chinese cultural elements as its virtual background, with the Security Bureau's mascot Security Bear joining to accompany visitors during the tour to enhance their enjoyment. In addition, the virtual exhibition has launched for the first time, serialised national security-themed comics and animations, illustrating the importance of safeguarding national security and law-abiding awareness in an easy-to-understand manner. Visitors, especially youth, can also gain more relevant knowledge through mini-games featuring the Security Bear. The exhibition also covers information on the importance of the NSL, the legal system and enforcement mechanisms, major provisions and effectiveness, the work of various disciplined forces in safeguarding national security, reference materials and the winning entries of the Let's Join Hands in Safeguarding National Security Programme. Launched in July 2021, the NSL online virtual exhibition has registered more than 580,000 visits thus far.
About 600 experts and delegates in emergency response, paramedic services, medical professions and fire engineering from various countries and regions are participating in the Fire Asia 2024 international conference in Hong Kong. The participants comprise delegations of the Belt & Road Initiative and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) from 19 countries, including the General Administration of Civil Protection Director General from Egypt’s Ministry of Interior, as well as heads or senior officials of emergency or fire departments in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Maldives, Myanmar, Saudi Arabia and Singapore.  Themed "Collaboration & Technology - Better Prepare the Community for Emergency", the conference is being held from today to July 12. It covers various topics, including new approaches to disaster management and fire safety measures, collaboration in the Greater Bay Area and emergency preparedness in the Belt & Road region, as well as the latest research in fire engineering and emergency medical services. The three-day conference is also one of the mega events being held in the city this month.  Chief Secretary Chan Kwok-ki, Secretary for Security Tang Ping-keung and Director of Fire Services Andy Yeung officiated at the opening ceremony this morning. While addressing those gathered at the ceremony, Mr Chan said that emergency preparedness is essential to protecting an economy and its people from the impact of wide-ranging disasters, crises and other emergencies. “An effective emergency management system helps mitigate disruptions to essential services, economic stability and social order. In today's interconnected world, the threats of emergencies and disasters could be cross-border by nature. Regional and international teamwork play an important role in reducing risks and enhancing resilience. “To that end, just last month, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, together with the governments of Guangdong Province and Macao SAR, signed the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Emergency Management Co-operation & Greater Bay Area Emergency Response Operation Co-operation Framework Agreement,” Mr Chan added. Under this framework, a government-led co-operation mechanism for emergency response is being set up to enhance the respective governments’ ability to cope with accidents, natural disasters and other crises that affect Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau, he explained. Mr Chan also pointed out that a task force will be established later this year, which will review the co-operation experience to develop a long-term emergency-management plan for the bay area as a whole. Moreover, the Chief Secretary made it clear that the Belt & Road and ASEAN also present ample opportunities for regional and global collaboration. “The Belt & Road's extensive infrastructure networks - from roads and railways to ports and much more - can enable the rapid deployment of emergency response personnel and resources across borders during crises,” he said. The Fire Services Department noted that the conference exemplified the international co-operation and exchanges that could make a difference, regionally and globally, and serves to tell the China story and the Hong Kong story well.
Secretary for Justice Paul Lam will depart for Beijing tomorrow to attend the seventh Joint Conference on Advancing Hong Kong's Full Participation in & Contribution to the Belt & Road Initiative on Friday morning. Mr Lam, in his capacity as chair of the sub-group on Belt & Road development under the Steering Group on Integration into National Development, will lead Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government officials including Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development Algernon Yau, Under Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury Joseph Chan and Under Secretary for Innovation, Technology & Industry Lillian Cheong, to attend the conference. While in Beijing, Mr Lam will also visit the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and have meetings with the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to follow up on the implementation of the measures of allowing Hong Kong-invested enterprises to adopt Hong Kong law and to choose Hong Kong as the seat of arbitration, and to discuss the preparatory work for the establishment of the International Organization for Mediation. He will also call on the State Council Hong Kong & Macao Affairs Office to give a briefing on the progress of the Department of Justice's major policy measures including the establishment of the Hong Kong International Legal Talents Training Academy, promoting the development of Hong Kong as a centre for international legal and dispute resolution services in the Asia-Pacific region, and the promotion of rule of law education. The justice chief will return to Hong Kong on July 12. During Mr Lam and Mr Yau's absence, Deputy Secretary for Justice Cheung Kwok-kwan and Under Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development Bernard Chan will be the respective acting secretaries.
The Department of Justice (DoJ) today officially launched the second phase of the Rule of Law Education (ROLE) Stars Train-the-Leaders (TTL) Programme, with a two-day foundation course on knowledge of the rule of law for about 120 trainees who are local secondary school teachers. The course provided training in a diversified, interactive, interesting, down to earth and easy-to-understand manner, to enhance the trainees’ capability for and effectiveness of promoting consistent and correct messages relating to the rule of law to students, young people and other education sector stakeholders. Apart from delivering opening remarks for the event this morning, Secretary for Justice Paul Lam also gave a lecture on the “Rule of law and our legal system”. He elaborated on the essence of the rule of law concept, presented an overview of Hong Kong’s legal and judicial systems, and explained to the trainees the relationship between the rule of law and the Constitution, the Basic Law, the Hong Kong National Security Law, the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance and “one country, two systems”.     Mr Lam said he hoped the programme would enhance teachers’ understanding of the rule of law and the common law system in Hong Kong, as well as their knowledge in the Constitution and different laws such as the above-mentioned ones, in order to build their confidence in teaching the relevant content in the future. The justice chief noted that rule of law education and education on cultivating a sense of national identity have to be developed in parallel to complement each other, so as to nurture students’ proper concepts of the rule of law, and instil their sense to respect and abide by the rule of law on the basis of the country’s Constitution and Hong Kong’s Basic Law. Teachers also have to lead by example to effectively teach rule-of-law related values to their students. He thanked the Education Bureau for its assistance in recruiting about 120 secondary school teachers for the programme. Secretary for Education Choi Yuk-lin also delivered opening remarks, while Secretary for Home & Youth Affairs Alice Mak was in attendance. The second-phase TTL Programme is one of the DoJ’s policy initiatives of The Chief Executive’s 2023 Policy Address, with the first event being the foundation course for local secondary school teachers of subjects related to the rule of law, the Constitution, national security education, and citizenship and social development. The programme's second-day event and graduation ceremony will be held on July 13. Certificates will be presented to trainees who have completed the two-day foundation course.   The second-phase TTL Programme also comprises an advance course focusing on the practice of the rule of law. Trainees who have completed the first phase of the programme will be arranged to visit law enforcement agencies and participate in mock court activities to gain first-hand experience of the practice of the rule of law, and strengthen their understanding of the criminal justice process. The first visit activity will be held at the end of July, while other activities will be rolled out by stages in the second half of this year.
Three foreign chambers of commerce in Hong Kong have welcomed the announcement that non-Chinese Hong Kong permanent residents are eligible to apply for a new Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong & Macao Residents (non-Chinese Citizens). The national Exit & Entry Administration will start issuing the card-type document on July 10 to facilitate non-Chinese Hong Kong permanent residents’ entry to the Mainland for the purposes of business, travel, and visiting relatives. The permits are expected to enhance holders’ convenience and ease of clearance at Mainland control points. The British, Canadian and German chambers of commerce in Hong Kong all responded positively to the new measure. British Chamber of Commerce Chair Jeremy Sheldon said it represented a step forward. Growing trade and investment relies on trusting relationships making it easier for people to travel, meet and understand each other to build those relationships is essential, he added. Canadian Chamber of Commerce Chairman Alex Tam said the measure will facilitate greater cross-boundary mobility and economic integration between Hong Kong and the Mainland, creating new business opportunities for its members and long-time Hong Kong Canadian residents. “We look forward to seeing this measure enhance the flow of talents, goods, and services between Hong Kong and the Mainland in the years ahead,” he added. Meanwhile, German Chamber of Commerce President Johannes Hack likened the measure to the opening of the West Kowloon high-speed rail link, saying it will be a great way to make existing traffic move more easily. “Looking back on the development of Mainland China visa and travel policies since the end of COVID-19, we are very heartened to see a continuous policy of simplifying and streamlining the process by the Mainland Chinese authorities, in conjunction with their Hong Kong counterparts,” he added. Under the new arrangement, all non-Chinese Hong Kong permanent residents will be able to make applications to China Travel Service (HK), as entrusted by the Exit & Entry Administration, to obtain the relevant permit. The permit allows holders to travel to the Mainland multiple times within a five-year validity period without the need to apply for a separate entry visa for each visit. Single visits must not exceed 90 days.
The first batch of visa applications under the New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme were approved in June, the Immigration Department announced today. Launched on March 1, the new scheme had received 339 applications and over 3,700 enquiries by June 30. The department approved three applications from applicants who had already made investments of $30 million. Another 88 applications were approved in principle, with those applicants being granted 180-day visitor visas. Director of Immigration Benson Kwok said the department is actively processing other applications and he believes the new scheme will bring new vitality and opportunities to Hong Kong. Director-General of Investment Promotion Alpha Lau stressed that the new scheme brings a vast pool of talent to Hong Kong, including successful businesspeople and innovative entrepreneurs. She also highlighted that if more than 300 of the applications received to date are approved, this will bring an expected injection of over $10 billion into Hong Kong's asset and wealth management industry. The department and Invest Hong Kong said they will work closely on the new scheme to create an even more business-friendly environment in Hong Kong.
The Department of Justice (DoJ) and the Supreme People’s Court (SPC) today held their first high-level joint meeting, in Huizhou. Co-chaired by Deputy Secretary for Justice Cheung Kwok-kwan and the SPC’s Research Office Director General Zhou Jiahai, the meeting was aimed at accelerating work on mechanisms, regulatory frameworks and the training of talent in relation to the Greater Bay Area. It also sought to help different sectors seize development opportunities in connection with constructing the rule of law in the bay area. In Beijing, in mid-June, the DoJ and the SPC signed a memorandum of understanding on establishing an interface platform for judicial and legal co-operation in the bay area. Today's meeting was the first high-level joint meeting under this framework. Mr Cheung said the establishment of such a platform will deepen communication and collaboration between the two sides through practical interfacing between senior leaders, allowing more efficient integration of resources and needs, as well as the systematic promotion of research, talent training and professional exchanges. He added that the platform will facilitate the implementation of specific measures, enabling interactions between people and businesses in the two places, so as to promote the bay area’s high-quality development. At the meeting, the two sides agreed to review and enhance the mechanism for mutual legal assistance in civil and commercial matters on an on-going basis, and jointly release notable cases relating to mutual legal assistance. On the measure allowing Hong Kong-invested enterprises to adopt Hong Kong law, both sides will press ahead with the implementation of a pilot scheme as soon as possible, and take forward implementation of the measure allowing Hong Kong-invested enterprises in the bay area to choose for arbitration to be seated in Hong Kong. It was also decided that the first practical training exercise for lawyers in the bay area will be conducted on July 19 and 20 at the Guangdong branch of the National Judges College. Moreover, both sides agreed to leverage Hong Kong's establishment of the Hong Kong International Legal Talents Training Academy to take forward a practical training course for Mainland civil and commercial judges on common law and foreign-related civil and commercial legal issues this year. Mr Cheung said he hopes the relevant initiatives will allow the unique advantages of “one country, two systems and three jurisdictions” to be brought more into play in the construction of the rule of law in the bay area. 
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government today welcomed and expressed gratitude to the country for announcing that non-Chinese Hong Kong permanent residents will soon be eligible for Mainland Travel Permits for Hong Kong & Macao Residents (non-Chinese Citizens). The card-type document will enhance convenience of clearance at control points of the Mainland, facilitating non-Chinese Hong Kong permanent residents’ visit to the Mainland for business, travelling, and visiting relatives. The country’s Exit & Entry Administration will start issuing the card on July 10.               Chief Executive John Lee said that at this important moment when Hong Kong residents celebrate together Hong Kong’s return to the motherland, he is grateful to the central government for introducing  the measure in support of Hong Kong again, demonstrating the country's care and support for the city all along. Under the new measure, individuals holding the card will be able to enjoy self-service clearance at control points of the Mainland, significantly enhancing clearance efficiency.               Mr Lee noted that many non-Chinese Hong Kong permanent residents have deep roots in Hong Kong, working diligently and making significant contributions to its development. Among them, foreign talent working in Hong Kong are particularly keen to better seize the historic opportunities of the country's rapid developments, especially envisioning greater involvement in the building of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area as a world-class bay area, he said. International talent of Hong Kong companies can enjoy the long-awaited clearance convenience for northbound travel with this card, he added. The Chief Executive pointed out that the measure is not limited to any nationality or industry, which fully highlights Hong Kong's unique status under “one country, two systems” and greatly helps the city maintain its international character and diversity, thereby providing a significant incentive for companies and talent from around the world to settle here.               All non-Chinese Hong Kong permanent residents will be able to make applications to China Travel Service (HK) entrusted by the Exit & Entry Administration for travelling to the Mainland multiple times within a five-year validity period, with a stay not exceeding 90 days for each visit, without the need to apply for a separate visa for entry. The card’s application, approval, and issuance fall within the remit of the Mainland authorities. The facilitation arrangement complements the "northbound" multiple-entry visa initiative as announced in the 2023 Policy Address, meeting the aspirations of various sectors of the Hong Kong community on all fronts.
