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Two experts from the World Health Organization (WHO), Dr Rick Brennan, Director of the Department of Emergency Risk Management and Humanitarian Response and his team member Dr Ian Norton, technical adviser and project leader of Foreign Medical Teams, recently paid a visit to the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (HKAM) on the 11 & 12 Nov 2015.    
[This article is only available in Chinese.] 全球化單元及公共衞生單元—(1)從香港看災害與公共衞生的關係 亞太地區是全球災害發生頻率最高的地方,香港作為亞太地區的重要一員,公共衞生及教育界在防災減災方面均應扮演關鍵角色。香港中文大學CCOUC災 害與人道救援研究所,
Train-the-Trainer Programme
Asia-Pacific Region suffers the highest number of disasters across the globe. As Hong Kong is a key member in the region and one of the most densely populated cities in the world, both its public health and education sectors should play pivotal roles in disaster preparedness and response.   The Collaborating Centre for Oxford University and CUHK for Disaster and Medical Humanitarian Response (CCOUC) and the Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute (HKJCDPRI) jointly organised the Train-the-Trainer Programme on Disaster Preparedness and Response for Secondary School Teachers. The programme aims to enhance community resilience and promote disaster awareness in Hong Kong by strengthening the secondary school Liberal Studies curriculum.
Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute Training Fellowship Programme
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute (HKJCDPRI) training fellowship provides unique opportunities for healthcare professional and NGO workers to enhance their knowledge and skills in disaster preparedness and response in the practical and real setting. Three types of training fellowship are offered: Overseas Training Fellowship for Healthcare Professionals The fellowship aims to bring into Hong Kong and the Asia region the most comprehensive and updated knowledge through enabling local healthcare professionals to study or work at renowned overseas training institutes or disaster-related agencies. Non-governmental Organization (NGO) Training Fellowship for NGO Workers


E-learning Platform

This page lists all of HKJCDPRI’s or our collaborating partners’ online learning resources, including Certificate-bearing e-Learning modules, webcasts and case studies. All resources listed here are freely and publicly available. We ask users to use them with respect and credit the authors as appropriate. You may have to log onto DPRI’s Moodle Platform in order to access some of the materials.


(This course is developed and contributed by the academic and technical team of CCOUC at the Faculty of Medicine, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. The content of this online course is partially based on the teaching materials developed at CUHK and University of Oxford in the relevant subject areas)   Notes:
Hurricane Sandy, a late-season post-tropical cyclone, affected 24 states in USA with particularly severe damage in New Jersey and New York. Sandy began as a tropical wave in the Caribbean on October 19. On October 26, Governor Andrew Cuomo declared a state of emergency for the entire state of New York.
On March 11, 2011, Japan suffered an unprecedented triple disaster. A 9.0 M earthquake occurred off the northeastern coast of Japan, triggering a large tsunami that rose to a height of over 30 meters, and traveled as far as 10 kilometers inland. The earthquake and tsunami damaged Japan’s oldest nuclear power plant, setting off a chain of events culminating in a nuclear accident.
On 25 April 2015, a 7.8M earthquake struck Nepal, affecting millions of people across the small country, destroying tens of thousands of homes, and displacing large swathes of the population in the earthquake affected districts. Yet the impact of the earthquake was not equal across the population. Many vulnerable groups across Nepal  that did  not receive aid in a timely fashion.


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