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The Social Welfare Department (SWD) today reminded members of the public to stay vigilant against a bogus phone call from a person claiming to be one of its officers. The department has received enquiries from restaurants who received phone orders for food or drinks from a person claiming to be an SWD officer. The fraudster would also ask the restaurants to help order goods from other vendors and settle the payment before seeking reimbursement of the amount from them. The SWD stressed that its officers would never request the public to settle any payments. The case has been reported to Police. People are advised to stay alert to suspicious phone calls. Anyone targeted by a suspected phone scam should report it to Police immediately.
Police's National Security Department today revealed that a woman who was earlier arrested on suspicion of contravening the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance, is also suspected of breaching the National Security Law. The department had arrested six women and a man on May 28 and 29 on suspicion of committing offences in connection with seditious intention, contravening Section 24 of the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance. Investigations revealed that a woman who was arrested on May 29 is also suspected of committing the offence of “providing pecuniary or other financial assistance or property for the commission of secession by other persons”, contravening Section 21 of the National Security Law. It was also discovered that she supported fugitive Law Kwun-chung and other individuals through an online subscription platform, with money amounting to approximately $140,000. Among the arrested people, one woman continues to be remanded in custody at the Tai Lam Centre for Women, while another five women and one man have been released on bail. Offences in connection with seditious intention are very serious crimes, carrying a maximum penalty of up to seven years' imprisonment. It is an offence for anyone to incite, assist in, abet or provide pecuniary or other financial assistance or property to another person by any means. Police reiterated that strict enforcement actions will be taken against such illegal acts and urged the public to abide by the law.
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government today strongly condemned and opposed the untruthful, slandering and smearing remarks made by some Western countries, anti-China organisations and politicians, and foreign media on the verdict delivered by the Court of First Instance of the Hong Kong SAR on a conspiracy to commit subversion case on May 30. The Western countries included the US, the UK, the European Union, Australia and more. In a statement tonight, the Hong Kong SAR Government said that following 118 days of open hearing and thorough consideration of the relevant legal principles, massive amount of evidence and submissions from the prosecution and the defence, the reasons for verdict delivered by the court yesterday clearly confirmed the occurrence of the offence of conspiracy to commit subversion. The proven offence was aimed at undermining, destroying or overthrowing the existing political system and structure of the Hong Kong SAR established under the Basic Law and the “one country, two systems” principle. Such criminal acts endangering national security had nothing to do with the so-called fight for democracy and human rights. A total of 47 people were charged in the case and 45 defendants were convicted, showing the scale and the seriousness of the criminal scheme. The evidence against the other two defendants was found insufficient for the court to be sure of their participation in the conspiracy offence. The Department of Justice has already informed the court of its intention to appeal against the verdict on those two defendants. The statement pointed out that the Hong Kong SAR is an inalienable part of the People’s Republic of China and, as a local administrative region that enjoys a high degree of autonomy under the “one country, two systems” principle, comes directly under the jurisdiction of the Central People’s Government. The Hong Kong SAR Government also stated that the core essence of the Sino-British Joint Declaration is China’s resumption of the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong. It did not authorise the UK to interfere in the city’s affairs after its return to the motherland. The UK has no sovereignty, jurisdiction or right of supervision over Hong Kong after its return to the motherland. The external forces disregarded the fact, made skewed remarks about the verdict delivered by the Hong Kong SAR court by replacing the rule of law with political manipulation and confounding right and wrong, and blatantly interfered in Hong Kong’s affairs which are entirely China’s internal affairs. The external forces’ attempt to undermine the stability and prosperity of Hong Kong is doomed to fail, the Hong Kong SAR Government added. In respect of the acts of the people or entities concerned, the Hong Kong SAR law enforcement agencies have been taking law enforcement actions based on evidence and strictly in accordance with the law, which have nothing to do with their political stance, background or occupation. The suggestion that certain individuals should be immune from legal consequences for their illegal acts, including the illegal act of subversion, is no different from advocating a special pass to break the law. This totally runs contrary to the spirit of the rule of law. The offences endangering national security stipulated under the National Security Law (NSL) target acts endangering national security with precision, and define the elements and penalties of the offences with clarity. On the charge of conspiracy to commit subversion, the court pointed out clearly in the reasons for verdict that, before the defendant may be convicted by the court, the prosecution has the duty to prove beyond reasonable doubt the relevant conspiratorial agreement; the defendants’ intention to carry out the unlawful means which was the subject matter of the charge; and the defendants so acted with a view to subverting the state power. The statement noted that the Hong Kong SAR courts shall exercise judicial power independently, free from any interference. It is extremely inappropriate for the US and some Western countries, anti-China organisations and politicians, foreign media and more to make unwarranted comments on criminal trials which are ongoing in the Hong Kong SAR courts. It is also a complete disregard for the spirit of the rule of law. In the 318-page judgment, the court clearly set out the reasons and consideration underlying the conviction, and confirmed the occurrence of the offence of conspiracy to commit subversion. The Hong Kong SAR Government strongly demands the US and some Western countries, anti-China organisations and politicians, foreign media and more to immediately stop interfering in China’s internal affairs and Hong Kong’s affairs, and stop making baseless reports and maliciously smearing the verdict of the relevant case. It steadfastly safeguards national sovereignty, security and development interests, and fully and faithfully lives up to the highest principle of “one country, two systems”. The Hong Kong SAR Government will resolutely, fully and faithfully implement the NSL, the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance and other relevant laws safeguarding national security in the Hong Kong SAR, to effectively prevent, suppress and impose punishment for acts and activities endangering national security in accordance with the law. It will also maintain the common law system, adhering to the principle of the rule of law and upholding the rights and freedoms of Hong Kong people in accordance with the law, so as to ensure the steadfast and successful implementation of the “one country, two systems” principle.
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government today said it strongly disapproves of and condemns the US Department of State over its proposed imposition of “visa restrictions” on People's Republic of China (PRC) and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region officials relating to the implementation of the National Security Law (NSL). It said the proposed restrictions amount to despicable political manipulation intended to intimidate PRC and Hong Kong SAR officials engaged in safeguarding national security, and are a gross interference in the internal affairs of China and Hong Kong, besides violating international law and the basic norms governing international relations. The Hong Kong SAR Government said it despises such threats and will resolutely continue to discharge the duty of safeguarding national security. It highlighted that the court verdict delivered in a conspiracy to commit subversion case on May 30 clearly confirmed that the criminal acts in the case were aimed at undermining, destroying or overthrowing the existing political system and structure of the Hong Kong SAR as established under the Basic Law and the “one country, two systems” principle. It said such criminal acts, which endangered national security, had nothing to do with the so-called fight for democracy and human rights. In a 318-page judgment, the court clearly set out the reasons for and the considerations underlying the conviction. A total of 47 persons were charged in the case. Apart from two defendants against whom the evidence was found insufficient for the court to be sure of their participation in the conspiracy offence, the remaining 45 defendants were convicted. With regard to the other two defendants, the Department of Justice has already informed the court of its intention to appeal. The Hong Kong SAR Government iterated that Hong Kong's law enforcement agencies take actions based on evidence and strictly in accordance with the law in respect of the acts committed by persons or entities, and not in relation to their political stances, background or occupation. It added that the suggestion that certain individuals should be immune from legal consequences for their illegal acts, including the illegal act of subversion, amounts to advocating for a special pass to break the law, and runs contrary to the spirit of the rule of law. The Hong Kong SAR Government stressed that the offences endangering national security stipulated under the NSL target acts endangering national security with precision, and define the elements and penalties of the offences with clarity. It said that on the charge of conspiracy to commit subversion, the court laid out clearly that the prosecution had a duty to prove beyond reasonable doubt the relevant conspiratorial agreement, the defendants' intention to carry out unlawful acts, and that they acted with a view to subverting the power of the state. It emphasised that the Basic Law and the Hong Kong Bill of Rights guarantee all defendants charged with a criminal offence the right to a fair trial by the Judiciary exercising independent judicial power free from any interference.
The Government today announced that from June 1 it will regularise and expand a pilot scheme that provides immigration facilitation for visitors participating in short-term activities in 12 designated sectors.As of the end of March, more than 16,600 individuals from nearly 120 countries or regions had entered Hong Kong to participate in a range of short-term events and activities under the scheme.Five of the original sectors involved will be expanded, with 18 new authorised participating organisations being added. Upon regularisation, the scheme will be named the Immigration Facilitation Scheme for Visitors Participating in Short-term Activities in Designated Sectors. The Government explained that the scheme will continue to cover 12 sectors. These are the medical and healthcare sector; higher education; arts and culture; sports; heritage; creative industries; innovation & technology; the Hong Kong Laureate Forum; aviation; international and mega events; finance; and development and construction.  Under the scheme, some 400 organisations authorised by relevant government bureaus or departments can issue invitation letters to non-local talents in their sectors. Invited persons may come to Hong Kong and participate in designated short-term activities as visitors without the need to apply for employment visas or entry permits from the Immigration Department. The Government highlighted that the pilot scheme has been welcomed by industry participants since its launch in 2022 and has been operating in an orderly manner.  It added that the scheme is conducive to bringing together talent from around the world to Hong Kong, giving full play to the city’s strengths as a place to connect and excel under “one country, two systems”.
The Court of First Instance today delivered its verdict on a conspiracy to commit subversion case and convicted 14 out of the 16 defendants who had pleaded not guilty. For two of the defendants, there was insufficient evidence for the court to be sure of their participation in the conspiracy. The Department of Justice immediately informed the court of its intention to appeal in respect of the defendants who were not convicted. The reasons for verdict pointed out that by March and April 2020, the ultimate aim and purpose of the so-called “Project 35+” had been very clear and made known to the public, ie to undermine, destroy or overthrow the existing political system and structure of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region established under the Basic Law and the “one country, two systems” principle. The court also noted that the people concerned conspired to indiscriminately vote down the Government’s budget and public expenditure proposals after securing a majority in the Legislative Council through a so-called “primary election”, in order to compel the Government to accede to the so-called “Five Demands Not One Less” and force the Chief Executive to dissolve LegCo and ultimately resign, thus rendering the Government unable to introduce any new policies or implement existing policies on benefitting people’s livelihood. The court added that in such a way, the power and authority of both the Chief Executive and the Government would be greatly undermined, which would necessarily amount to a serious interference in, disruption of or undermining of the performance of duties and functions in accordance with the law by the Hong Kong SAR’s body of power, subverting state power. Moreover, during the trial, evidence adduced in the court revealed that the people concerned put forward the “10 steps to mutual destruction” which would bring Hong Kong society to a standstill through large-scale street riots as well as other means. Coupled with international political and economic sanctions, “mutual destruction” would be achieved, causing suffering to the public. Chief Executive John Lee said the verdict showed that the court confirmed the occurrence of the offence of conspiracy to commit subversion, which aimed at undermining, destroying or overthrowing the existing political system and structure of the Hong Kong SAR established under the Basic Law and the “one country, two systems” principle. “A total of 47 people were charged in the case. Apart from the two defendants, against whom the evidence was found insufficient for the court to be sure of their participation in the conspiracy offence, the rest of the 45 defendants were convicted, showing the scale and the seriousness of the criminal scheme.” Mr Lee also stressed that it is the Hong Kong SAR’s duty to safeguard national security. “We will fight resolutely against acts and activities endangering national security. In this regard, the Hong Kong SAR Government will ensure that laws are observed and strictly enforced, and will do our utmost to prevent, suppress and impose punishment for acts and activities endangering national security to fulfil this justified responsibility.” Separately, the Government said that during the trial, external forces blatantly smeared the Judiciary, the Department of Justice and the law enforcement department, and even created pressure through intimidatory political means and misleading remarks, in an attempt to interfere with the fair trial. Describing this a despicable attempt, the Government strongly condemned this flagrant trample on the rule of law.
The  Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government today said it strongly disapproved of and condemned the baseless allegations by the US Congressional-Executive Commission on China and the European Union (EU) against the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance and National Security Department's law enforcement actions which simply do not stand up to the facts. ​The Hong Kong SAR law enforcement agencies have been taking law enforcement actions based on evidence and strictly in accordance with the law in respect of the acts of the people or entities concerned, and have nothing to do with their political stance, background or occupation. ​For the relevant law enforcement actions taken by Police in accordance with the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance, investigations revealed that the arrestees' acts involved repeatedly publishing posts with seditious intention on a social platform with content provoking hatred towards the central government, the Hong Kong SAR Government and the Judiciary, as well as inciting netizens to organise or participate in illegal activities. Offences in connection with seditious intention are very serious crimes, and no jurisdictions, including the US and those from the EU, will watch with folded arms acts and activities that endanger national security. The Hong Kong SAR Government emphasised that the ordinance only targets an extremely small minority of people who endanger national security so as to protect the lives, property, freedoms and rights of the Hong Kong people. The offences under the ordinance, including those in connection with "seditious intention", will not hinder the legitimate expression of opinions such as making reasonable and genuine criticism of government policies based on objective facts. The ordinance clearly specifies that the rights and freedoms enshrined in the Basic Law, as well as the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social & Cultural Rights as applied to Hong Kong, are to be protected in accordance with the law. The Safeguarding National Security Ordinance is a piece of legislation to defend against acts and activities endangering national security, the Hong Kong SAR Government noted, adding that only those who want to intrude into Hong Kong to plunder and loot should be worried by it.
Fire and rescue personnel from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau have completed a joint emergency response and rescue exercise, simulating the occurrence of a strong earthquake, in Jiangmen, Guangdong. The exercise, held from Monday until today, followed a blueprint under formulation by the governments of the three places, namely the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Emergency Response & Rescue Operational Plan. The plan is aimed at developing a comprehensive and systematic emergency mobilisation and co-ordination mechanism that will strengthen capabilities for responding jointly to disasters and incidents in the bay area. In the 48-hour joint exercise, named “Liancheng-2024”, a strong earthquake was presented as having take place in Pengjiang District, Jiangmen, affecting a wide swathe of territory and causing multiple buildings to collapse, people to be trapped and casualties to occur. The Hong Kong Fire Services Department (FSD) and the Macao Fire Services Bureau immediately deployed personnel to the affected area to assist in rescue operations in response to the hypothetical disaster.  The FSD deployed a total of 27 members from its Disaster Response & Rescue Team, five fire appliances, and over 400 items of rescue equipment. Rescue teams from the three places conducted independent and joint operations in 11 different rescue scenarios. These involved a high-rise building, a tilted building, a collapsed container, rubble, a mudslide, a vertical shaft and a cable-car. At the command meeting, Deputy Director of Fire Services (Operations) Angus Wong said the cross-boundary exercise demonstrated the efficient deployment of rescue resources from the three places. He added that the three places will reflect on the experience gained and further optimise relevant operational procedures, with a view to enhancing the efficiency of cross-boundary rescue efforts. The governments of the three places are expected to sign the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Emergency Management Co-operation & Greater Bay Area Emergency Response Operation Co-operation Framework Agreement in Hong Kong in mid-June.
Secretary for Justice Paul Lam and Chongqing Municipal Justice Bureau Deputy Director-General Xiong Shiming today signed a framework arrangement to deepen the cities’ exchanges and co-operation in legal services. The framework arrangement also aims to enable lawyers in the two places to better serve economic development. The two sides reached an agreement on enhancing co-operation and exchanges of their legal sectors, strengthening exchanges and co-operation in the training of foreign-related legal services talent, and organising a mutual exchange of legal officials. They also agreed to support and encourage the Chongqing and Hong Kong legal sectors to provide services to enterprises in both places with the aim of promoting the “go global” development strategy, and support law firms to set up branches at the other side and establish partnership associations. Mr Lam said the framework arrangement forms a solid foundation to promote future exchanges and co-operation between the two places on legal and dispute resolution services and more, and to jointly contribute to the construction of the country’s rule of law. This signing of the pact is also conducive to the implementation of the specific co-operation measures outlined in a memorandum signed by the two governments last May.
Police’s National Security Department today arrested a 53-year-old woman on suspicion of committing “Offences in Connection with Seditious Intention”, contravening Section 24 of the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance. The arrest on Hong Kong Island follows yesterday's police operation in which six people were arrested.  The number of people arrested in the case has now increased to seven. Investigations revealed that a woman, remanded in custody, had exploited an upcoming sensitive date to repeatedly publish posts with seditious intention on a social platform anonymously with the assistance of at least six arrestees since April 2024. Apart from provoking hatred towards the central authorities, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and the Judiciary, the content of these posts also incited netizens to organise or participate in relevant illegal activities. The arrestees are being detained for further enquiries, except for the one who is being held in custody. The enforcement action is still on-going and Police cannot rule out the possibility of further arrests.
