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E-learning Platform

E-learning Platform

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E-learning Platform

This page lists all of HKJCDPRI’s or our collaborating partners’ online learning resources, including Certificate-bearing e-Learning modules, webcasts and case studies. All resources listed here are freely and publicly available. We ask users to use them with respect and credit the authors as appropriate. You may have to log onto DPRI’s Moodle Platform in order to access some of the materials.


The UK has established registers of health professionals, the UK International Emergency Trauma Register (UKIEMR), drawn largely, but not exclusively from the NHS, willing to deploy to sudden onset disasters and emergencies overseas. Members have full health screening, full insurance, medical indemnity, vaccinations and training that includes a pre-deployment course
E-Newsletter Issue5
HIGHLIGHTS Workshop on WHO Emergency Medical Team Development and Future WHO Emergency Medical Teams Initiative Delegation visit China National Health and Family Planning Commission
The Government of HKSAR establishes a risk based framework to handle the epidemic of communicable diseases. A three-tier framework for the preparedness and response for influenza pandemic, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome and Ebola have been prepared. The activation of the three-tiered response level, namely Alert, Serious and Emergency Levels 
This presentation gives an overview of the measures adopted by the Hong Kong SAR Government in managing major incidents that disrupt lives or threaten public safety. At the centre of the Government’s management efforts is the Emergency Response System that facilitates efficient channeling of information and resources where they are needed when disaster strikes.


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