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Disaster Exercise and Planning in Hong Kong
Disaster Exercise and Planning in Hong Kong
Course Information
"Highlights of Annual Conference on Disaster Preparedness and Response 2015"
The Annual Conference on Disaster Preparedness and Response 2015: From Community to Emergency Room was held from 30th October to 1st November, 2015 at the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. The Conference was co-organised by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute (HKJCDPRI) and the Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine (HKCEM). The Conference successfully brought together a wide range of stakeholders including government representatives, healthcare professionals, NGO practitioners, and academics working in the field of disaster preparedness and response.
The HKJCDPRI would like to share with you some highlights of the conference in webcasts.
- Overview of the HKSAR Government’s emergency response framework
- Examples of departmental efforts in disaster planning and exercise
- Importance of community engagement: Lesson learned from Hurricane Katrina and 3/11 Earthquake and Tsunami