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Publications & Research

Publications & Research

We provide a platform between researchers, disaster practitioners, healthcare professionals and students for expertise exchange, collaboration and policy discussion.

Publications & Research

The HKJCDPRI Publications Section contains collaborative researches and publications with our partners and renowned academic institutions, and other research and development projects related to disaster preparedness and response.

The Guidelines section contains our selected collection of technical information, operational guidelines and useful tools for disaster management.

The Blog sub-section provides a platform where our team and peers share news and updates, as well as opinions and experiences in building disaster preparedness for the communities.


The blog posts are written by the author in his own personal capacity / affiliation stated. The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in the post belong solely to the author and does not necessarily represent those of Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute.

All resources listed here are freely and publicly available, unless specified otherwise. We ask users to use them with respect and credit the authors as appropriate.


*This article originates from Hong Kong Baptist University  4 January 2022
The Study of Coastal Hazards under Climate Change and Extreme Weather and Formulation of Improvement Measures - Feasibility Study (Coastal Hazards Study) has comprehensively reviewed the impacts of storm surges and waves on coastal low-lying or windy locations under extreme weather and climate change.
Seaweed under ocean

[This article is only available in Chinese.]

[This article is only available in Chinese.]

海洋中的微型藻類不僅會產生獨特的芬芳氣味,這些揮發性分子更會促進大氣內雲的形成,從而影響地球氣候。   海水本身沒有什麼氣味,但是海風的確充滿很多來自海中生物的「鮮氣」。海洋漂浮着微小的浮游植物,它們的細胞內有一種稱為「二甲基巰基丙酸」的硫化合物,英文簡稱DMSP。當它們被浮游動物捕食時,浮游植物細胞內的DMSP便會釋放到水中,成為細菌的食物,而在過程中DMSP被分解成更細小的揮發性硫化合物「二甲硫醚」分子(英文簡稱DMS),也就是海風和一些海鮮氣味的主要物質,類似打開紫菜零食包裝時嗅到的香味。   有時在海邊嗅到的氣味不一定令人心曠神怡。  


human nose

[This article is only available in Chinese.]

[This article is only available in Chinese.]

麥嘉慧,科學人    狗常被稱作人類最好的朋友。除了作為日夜陪伴的寵物、家門的守護員、獵人或牧人的助手,以及盲人的導航員外,牠更可以在災難現場中擔當搜索被困傷者的重任。   在大規模災難發生後,例如在倒塌的建築物或山泥傾瀉的瓦礫下,確定現場是否有人被困並將他們救出,絕對是分秒必爭的任務。但是,由於環境惡劣,空間狹窄,救援人員未必能深入瓦礫,此時搜索犬就可以大展身手!搜索犬可以用牠驚人的嗅覺,探測人體釋放的氣味,幫助尋找並定位被困的人,讓救援人員用安全方法將他們救出。    
