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Article(s) related to "commevent"

HKJCDPRI collaborates with different organisations and schools on “Community Campaign on Disaster Resilience” to deliver public awareness and education campaigns, tailored to the specific potential hazards the community is facing.

The Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute launches annual “Community Campaign on Disaster Resilience” to enhance community resilience through a range of public education activities.
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HKJCDPRI organises annual "Multi-media Creative Competition", to raise public awareness by engaging participants in an interactive creation process. We envisage an enhanced level of vigilance and knowledge on disaster risk reduction along the way,
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[This article is only available in Chinese.]
亞太地區是全球災害發生頻率最高的地方,香港作為亞太地區的重要一員,公共衞生及教育界在防災減災方面均應扮演關鍵角色。香港中文大學CCOUC災 害與人道救援研究所,
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Hong Kong has suffered its fair share of extreme disaster events owing to the climate change. Yet, most of us are unaware how prepared Hong Kong is for the impacts of disasters.
Different communities experience disasters differently. Even within individual communities, certain members are more vulnerable and may need tailored advice and support when coping with and recovering from disasters.
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