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Public Educational Resources

Public Educational Resources

We provide a variety of disaster learning materials on our online platform.

Public Educational Resources

The HKJCDPRI Public Educational Resources Section contains educational materials prepared for use amongst the general population for community education, and contain a variety of topics that allow the community to make informed decisions when preparing for disasters.

All resources listed here are freely and publicly available, unless specified otherwise. We ask users to use them with respect and credit the authors as appropriate.



[This article is only available in Chinese.]

[This article is only available in Chinese.]

  香港賽馬會災難防護應變教研中心提供大量具資訊及教育性的圖像訊息,可供下載、列印及分享。   請瀏覽我們以下在面書的「防災信息圖像」:   防災訊息圖像 - 個人衛生與傳染病 防災訊息圖像 - 自身安全 防災訊息圖像 - 災害知識和防災宣傳    註: 現時大部分圖像訊息只提供中文版本。