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Public Educational Resources

Public Educational Resources

We provide a variety of disaster learning materials on our online platform.

Public Educational Resources

The HKJCDPRI Public Educational Resources Section contains educational materials prepared for use amongst the general population for community education, and contain a variety of topics that allow the community to make informed decisions when preparing for disasters.

All resources listed here are freely and publicly available, unless specified otherwise. We ask users to use them with respect and credit the authors as appropriate.



[This article is only available in Chinese.]

[This article is only available in Chinese.]

歡迎瀏覽「防災.香港」旗下的「識者生存」一站式防災知識網站,由香港賽馬會災難防護應變教研中心(教研中心)策劃,為大家提供香港人最常遇到的災難的防備及應變知識。 大家在此可以找到不同災害的「災前、災期間及災後」的應變措施、以往在香港和外地曾發展的嚴重災難紀錄、以及防災應變小知識抉擇遊戲。 「識者生存」防災資訊網站還不同的有用資料包括有用應急電話、教育影片、伸延教材等等、想獲得及時的防災情報及教研中心的防災活動資訊,請跟隨及請密切留意我們的FACEBOOK面書!

[English version will be available soon.]

[English version will be available soon.]

近日社會情況動盪,做好出門的物品清單,這個清單只供參考,大家要因應自己和家人的個别需要作準備 (如藥物和醫療需要)...

[English version will be available soon.]

[English version will be available soon.]

有關近日社會動盪的有用資料,包括公眾教育資訊、專人人士資訊、社區服務資料及有關情緒影響的救助服務資料。(更新日期: 2019年11月24日)