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Knowledge Sections for Primary School Teachers and Students In Response to Recent Social Unrest

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Knowledge Sections for Primary School Teachers and Students In Response to Recent Social Unrest



Partnering with the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists and Hong Kong St. John Ambulance Association, and the Castle Peak Catholic Primary School (CPCPS), the HKJCDPRI delivered two seminars for the teachers and students of the CPCPS on 26 November and 3 December 2019 respectively. 


Located in Tuen Mun, the CPCPS was one of the schools that were affected by the recent social unrest. The impact of the socio-political situations was felt across the whole school including teachers and students. Immediate shock included the medical issues arose from the conflicts happened around the school areas. The impact of the situations on students' psychological and mental health had become a long-term concern for the school.  


The workshop for teachers started by Ms Yanny Chung, Manager (School Programmes), of the HKJCDPRI on tear gas knowledge. After that, Dr Phyllis Chan of the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists and Dr Edward Kwan, an expert in emergency management, delivered two sections of talk on impact of social conflict on mental health, and crowd management and emergency planning respectively.


The students’ seminar was delivered the HKJCDPRI and Hong Kong St. John Ambulance Association on basic first aid skills on chemical and trauma incidents. Basic first aid theories and practical demonstrations were shown to the students by Mr Derek Poon of Hong Kong St. John Ambulance Association.


In response to the recent social unrest, the HKJCDPRI has been observing the needs of the community especially in the area of training and knowledge sharing. For more information and partnership, please [email protected] or Tel. (+852) 2871-8857.


Dr. Phyllis Chan’s sharing on understanding and management of mental health crisis.


Dr. Edward Kwan discussed the practical issues of crowd management and emergency planning with the audience.


Appreciation certificates presented by Mr Yung Wai-hung , School Principal of the Castle Peak Catholic Primary School, to Dr Phyllis Chan (Left/Above) and Dr Edward Kwan. (Right/Below)


Students were active in asking and answering questions at the seminar for students.


Presentation of the appreciation certificates to Mr Derek Poon of the Hong Kong St. John Ambulance (Left/Above) and Ms Yanny Chung (Right/Below) of the HKJCDPRI by Ms. Mak Wai-kuen, Vice-Principal of CPCPS.