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Upcoming Webinars on Business Continuity and Mass Causality Incident Contingency Planning for Hospitals / Health Services
Upcoming Webinars on Business Continuity and Mass Causality Incident Contingency Planning for Hospitals / Health Services
Time for Webinars 2&3 updated below!
The concept of hospital contingency planning, as well as business continuity in Hospital Services is vital to ensure the continuation of provision of high quality patient care even in times of service disruption, and to recover quickly and safely from incidents. The World Health Organization (WHO) initiated the concept of “Safe Hospitals from Disasters” to reduce risk, protect health facilities and save lives. In addition to the focus on physical integrity of health facilities when facing hazards, it also emphases on the accessibility and functional integrity at the acute phase of disasters.
Partnering with the Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine (HKCEM), the Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute (HKJCDPRI) would like to invite you to join two upcoming Webinars on “Hospital Mass Causality Incident Preparedness and Contingency Planning” & “Introduction to Hospital Business Continuity”, two of the sessions during the Advanced Disaster Response Course (ADRC) conducted with its course registrants. The course is developed and organised by the HKCEM with the support of the HKJCDPRI, under the generous donation of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.
The sessions will be broadcasted live on the HKJCDPRI Facebook Page:
Webinar 1: Hospital Mass Causality Incident Preparedness and Contingency Planning
Date | 29 September 2018 (Sat) |
Time | 16:15 - 17:15 (60 minutes) |
Dr Shih Fuh-yuan is a prestigious disaster management expert in Taiwan. He is the former CEO of Emergency Medical Operation Centre in Taipei Region, Ministry of Health and is currently the Assistant Professor at the Emergency Department of the National Taiwan University Hospital. Dr Shih has extensive and solid experience in designing hospital contingency planning on mass casualty incidents for the Ministry of Health of Taiwan. His teaching and sharing are always impressive, thanks to his profound experience and knowledge gained in Taiwan and overseas.
Using Taiwan as a case study, Dr Shih will identify prominent and challenges for mass casualty incident preparedness and outline possible solutions for overcoming such challenges. Dr Shih will also introduce various tools used to evaluate emergency healthcare services performance.
Webinar 2 & 3: Introduction to Hospital Business Continuity
Date | 20 October 2018 (Sat) |
Time |
Dr Katherine Henderson currently serves as a Consultant in Emergency Medicine and the Clinical Lead (Service Lead) of the Emergency Department at St. Thomas’ Hospital, United Kingdom. She has previously been involved in the rescue efforts of the 2017 Westminister Attack. Her expertise is on hospital business continuity planning in preparation for multiple casualty incidents.
In the first session, Dr Henderson will introduce the basic theoretical concepts of Business Continuity, especially in the context of Hospital Business Continuity. In the afternoon session, Dr Henderson will use the case study of the NHS Ransomware Incident in 2017, the WannaCry ransomware attack, to illustrate the importance of having a Hospital Business Continuity plan.
Should you have any enquiries about the webinars, please contact us at [email protected] or (852) 2871 8507.