2019新型冠状病毒疫情持續差不多一年了,不論成人或兒童對網上工作和學習都不再陌生。以往,家長都會經常提醒子女不要經常上網,或者會限制子女的螢幕時間(screen time)。然而,在這疫情期間,又或者在將來有機會出現的「網上工作/學習」新常態下,家長又怎樣可以在支持和保護子女下,同時減低因經常看著螢幕對身心的影響呢?
甚麽是合適的螢幕時間(screen time)?可以有多長?
Read More2019新型冠状病毒疫情持續差不多一年了,不論成人或兒童對網上工作和學習都不再陌生。以往,家長都會經常提醒子女不要經常上網,或者會限制子女的螢幕時間(screen time)。然而,在這疫情期間,又或者在將來有機會出現的「網上工作/學習」新常態下,家長又怎樣可以在支持和保護子女下,同時減低因經常看著螢幕對身心的影響呢?
甚麽是合適的螢幕時間(screen time)?可以有多長?
Read MoreClimate change is one of the main global environmental changes which the world is experiencing in the 21st century. Urban communities are vulnerable to climate impact for its high density based living arrangements and its heavy reliance on life-line infrastructures for basic survival needs. Collaborating Centre for Oxford University and CUHK for Disaster and Medical Humanitarian Response (CCOUC)
Read MoreA brief review is offered o the scientific background for human-induced climate change. Drawing mostly from the findings of the latest Assessment Report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a survey is made of the observed evolution of climate signals in the past decades, and the projected development of these signals towards the end of the 21st century.
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