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Fundamental Disaster Response Course

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Fundamental Disaster Response Course

The course is organised for the Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute (HKJCDPRI) in Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (HKAM) by the Disaster Medicine Subcommittee of the Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine (HKCEM), aiming to cultivate interest and create leaders in disaster management.
Key learning outcomes of the training

  1.  Comprehend the key medical management during the insult of natural and/or man-made disasters;
  2.  Conduct disaster impact assessment and health surveillances;
  3.  Acquire basic understanding of field coordination in health operation including uses of various communication tools and set up;
  4.  Able to acquire basic field security;
  5.  Acquire the public health issue during disaster including mass vaccination and use of concept of WASH (water sanitation and hygiene);
  6.  Able to set up post-disaster site hospital / temporary health care facilities with confined resources in disaster situation.


Target audience
The training will be conducted for 5 consecutive years with one intake per year. An annual intake of 25-40 participants of health care professionals who have at least 5 years of clinical experiences with the nomination from their direct supervisor can apply. The selection will be based on field relevancy, experiences and the nomination.
Training Venue
Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, Hong Kong.
Course fee
Students successfully completing the course will be fully reimbursed by HKJCDPRI / HKAM
For one day attendance: 6 non‐passive cat 13 CME points for EM fellows and 5 cat A TP for trainees
For attendance of whole course: Maximum of 12 non‐passive CME points for EM fellows and 10 cat A TP for trainees.
Course structure

Each course will be held over 5 full days (with 8 themes and one drill). The delivery model will target at setting objectives with core skills and using competency checklists. They will be delivered via lectures, discussion, drills, demonstration, experience sharing and presentations. Self-learning is expected during the designated study period with a minimum commitment of 3 hours reading per week. The facilitators and trainers are from across the region and cross sectoral, including medical doctors, humanitarian aid workers, specialist and administrator from the government sector. The course would be delivered in English.

For more information about the course, please contact HKJCDPRI secretariat at [email protected], or visit

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Group photo of the Fundamental Disaster Response Course 2015

Group photo of the Fundamental Disaster Response Course 2016