Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute (HKJCDPRI) Overseas Clinical (EM) Training Fellowship for Healthcare Professionals

The fellowship supports the overseas training courses offered by universities and organisations. The course can be a certificate, diploma, degree course or a module of a degree programme. Distance learning or online courses are not eligible. Applicant may select up to two eligible courses that s/he wishes to attend, in order of preference. There is no restriction on the location of the course except it should be outside Hong Kong. If the two courses are at different countries, only one return transportation fee from Hong Kong to the overseas destination would be reimbursed. The training courses must focus on or related to emergency, disaster, or medical humanitarian response and development.

Examples of overseas emergency medicine training programmes are provided as below. The list is not exhaustive and applicants can applied for the fellowship with other related training courses and/or clinical placements with supporting information. Applicants are encouraged to look for relevant courses with the longer term goal of bringing in or providing similar courses in Hong Kong and the region.

Other courses available in Asia region available for overseas enrollment includes Tokyo Fire Department HyperRescue (TFD HR) Rescue course, Tokyo Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT) course, Singapore Civil Defense Force International Urban Search and Rescue Course (SCDF IUSAR), and Medical Effects of Ionizing Radiation Course (MEIR) will be held in Seoul, Korea

  1. INSARAG First Responder Training
    Building the first tier of local capability involves the training and development of existing local emergency services and community responders to meet the needs of the affected population at the onset of the incident.

  2. CBRN clinical course
    The CBRN clinical course is the advanced level CBRN medical course aimed at medical officers, nurses and senior medics. The course covers the main CBRN hazards, using the all-hazards approach, and looks at medical support from point of exposure through to definitive hospital care at Role 3. On completion, candidates will be in date for CBRN clinical for 5 years (some units may require more frequent training periods).

  3. Australian emergency and crisis management training
    • Crisis and emergency management workshops;
    • First-response training and simulations (consistent with ICS methodologies);
    • Crisis management team development and training;
    • Emergency coordination centre simulations;
    • Strategic desktop exercises and crisis simulations;
    • Full-scale field exercises;
    • Family, victim and injury support workshops;
    • Business continuity and recovery workshops;
    • Critical incident management workshops;
    • Next of kin notification training;
    • Advanced leadership training;
    • Crisis media and press conference training;
    • Government affairs workshops; and
    • Crisis management and recovery specialist seminars

  4. The Humanitarian Response Intensive Course
    The Humanitarian Response Intensive Course is offered each year to professionals from around the world at Harvard University. Through presentations and hands on table top exercises offered by faculty and guest lecturers who are experts in their topic areas, participants will gain familiarity with the primary frameworks in the humanitarian field (human rights, livelihoods, Sphere standards, international humanitarian law) and will focus on practical issues that arise in the field, such as personal and team security, rapid assessments, application of minimum standards for food security, shelter, WaSH (water, sanitation and hygiene) and operational approaches to relations with the military in humanitarian settings.

    Participants will utilize knowledge of the humanitarian field gained in the classroom learning sessions during a three-day field simulation exercise. Attendees will spend two nights in the forest and participate in a complicated disaster and conflict scenario. During the simulation, participants will work in teams representing different humanitarian nongovernmental organizations and will engage with a wide range of local and non-state actors (roles developed and filled by faculty, course alumni, and affiliates) to create a service delivery plan.

Overseas Clinical Placements

The fellowship supports overseas clinical placements, with priority given to placements:
  • Approved by professional Emergency Medicine institute or agency as part of their training programme
  • At an academic institute specialized on emergency response, e.g. Emergency Preparedness and Response Exercise Program (EPREP) by the Harvard School of Public health, OxSTaR (Oxford Simulation, Teaching and Research) Centre at University of Oxford.
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Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute

Address 地址:
Room 901, Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Jockey Club Building, 99 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong
香港仔黃竹坑道99號 香港醫學專科學院賽馬會大樓9樓901室
Telephone 電話:2871 8507
Fax 傳真 : 2296 4628
Email 電郵:[email protected]