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Occupational health is an important topic for health practice. In order to protect health and well-beings, the need to understand the principles of occupational health and prepare for unforeseeable events is rapidly growing. This course will provide the participants with the overview of occupational hazards and health impacts, fundamental of hazards assessment and control. In addition, it will introduce the workplace emergency planning and responses to industrial disasters, as well as the related challenges to occupational health.
我們很高興為你介紹一個由香港社會醫學學院及香港賽馬會災難防護應變教研中心 (教研中心) 合辦,並於2019 年 5 月 11 及 18 日舉行為期 1.5 天的災難管理培訓工作坊。這個工作坊是專為於災難防護和應變工作中,負責指揮或管理工作的醫護健康專業人員和相關界別的高級人員而設,目的為向參加者分享實用技能和策略,以改善他們在衞生災害和災難期間的指揮和溝通能力。   各界傳媒人士和企業顧問將會在工作坊中與參加者分享本地的災難處理經驗。請在「下載」的右下方功能表中查看工作坊詳情,重點項目包括:   分享和平與戰爭期間的領導經驗 — 梁智鴻醫生 山泥傾瀉的災難管理 — 張偉文 博士  香港社交媒體狀況及社會聆聽和監察服務的最新消息 — Edmund Lee 先生 大數據挖掘及透過近期的重大熱門新聞探討相關例子 — James Leung 先生   工作坊詳情如下: 日期及時間 5 月 11 日 (星期六),上午 9:00 – 中午 12:30 5 月 18 日 (星期六),上午 9:00 – 下午 5:00 地點



The Black Death, Spanish Flu, SARS, Ebola ... In the history of mankind, deadly infections and appalling disasters are inseparable. Science has given us the ability to hunt down the pathogens. However, pathogens – new and old – keep emerging and evolving in every corner of the planet. In today’s highly interconnected world, a single sneeze may set off a global pandemic.  Are you prepared for the next pandemic? How can we prepare for disasters caused by infectious diseases? This e-learning module is about biological disasters, the third in our series of e-learning modules on CBRN emergencies.



The free short course “Research Methodology for Disaster and Medical Humanitarian Response” (31 May 2019; 1 June; and optional 5 Jun 2019) is organised by the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care (JCSPHPC), and Collaborating Centre for Oxford University and CUHK for Disaster and Medical Humanitarian Response (CCOUC) of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and the Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute (HKJCDPRI).  

